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Looking for the family of Margaret McGowen born in December 1834 in County Sligo. Her death certificate lists parents as Patrick McGowen and Delia Woods. I found a baptism record for a Margaret born to Patrick and Bridget in Ahamlish parish at the right time and no other records come close. She imigrated to the California, USA in 1852 (18 years of age) where she married Robert Conaghy McKay who was from Bushmills, Antrim, Northern Ireland. He became one of El Dorado County's first Supervisors and was a successful farmer. I cannot find any imigration records to know wether she went alone or with family.


Thursday 5th Mar 2015, 08:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Marie:

    Delia and Bridget were interchangeable so it appears you found the correct record. Only 7 RC parishes in Sligo have records on Roots back to 1834. Later this summer the National Library of Ireland plans to put all RC parish registers online for free searching.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Mar 2015, 09:09PM
  • I'm fairly certain that the baptism record (Ahamlish Parish) I found for Margaret McGowen, daughter of Patrick McGowen and Bridget Woods is my husband's great-great grandmother. Can any one provide any additional information on Patrick McGowen and Bridget Woods McGowen? Birth and death dates? And I imagine they must have had other children. Who might they have been?


    Tuesday 17th Mar 2015, 03:26PM
  • I'm fairly certain that the baptism record (Ahamlish Parish) I found for Margaret McGowen, daughter of Patrick McGowen and Bridget Woods is my husband's great-great grandmother. Can any one provide any additional information on Patrick McGowen and Bridget Woods McGowen? Birth and death dates? And I imagine they must have had other children. Who might they have been?


    Tuesday 17th Mar 2015, 03:27PM
  • The McGowen-Woods marriage appears in the sacramental records of the parish of Ahamlish:

    29 Feb. 1832, marriage of Patrick McGown and Brigid Woods; witnesses were Edmund Gillmartin and John Gillen.  No other information was provided.  You can check for other baptisms, using the NLI website now. 




    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 12:13AM

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