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I am looking for a family history of Michael John Rowley. According to his gravestone in the state of New York he was born in 1810 and I believe he was born in Sligo County. His wife was Ellen Tansey born in Mayo County in 1820. I believe they married in Ireland then then emmigrated to the United States in 1839, although I can not find a marriage certificate.  This is as far as my family has been able to trace our history. We are currently looking for Michael's parents and siblings. 

Sunday 21st Feb 2016, 05:24AM

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  • Cindy:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Baptismal records for Dromard parish start in 1823. My search on Roots Ireland did not locate a baptismal record for Michael. I also searched in Mayo and Sligo for a marriage record for Michael with no record. I searched 1825-1845. Many churches do not have records back that far so if they married in Ellen's church the records may not be available. Civil registration for RC marriages did not begin until 1864. Here is the link to the Dromard parish register

    I also looked on the 1828 Tithe records in Co. Sligo and found four Rowley records in Dromard parish. Possibly one of the four was Michael's father.

    Roger McDonnell…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 21st Feb 2016, 06:23PM

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