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Thomas CARRICK married Julia RYAN on 28 February 1847 in County Clare according to their daughter Ann's Birth Certificate (born in Melbourne Victoria, Australia.

According to the shipping register, they came from Drumleigh, however, I have not been able to find anywhere by this name.

Their eldest child, Catherine was an infant when they  arrived in Australia.  On Irish Roots there is a baptism of a Catherin CARRICK on 17 March 1848 to a Thomas CARRIGG and Jean, with a address of Clonroad, Ennis.  A researcher suggested that Clonroad may have been a townland and I have found Clonroad Beg and Conroad More as townlands in the Parish of Drumcliff, hence this message on this parish message board.

I would be very interested to find out more information about Thomas CARRICK/CARRIGG if at all possible.


Tuesday 3rd Jun 2014, 12:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Lynette:

    According to a book I have, the RC records for Ennis go back to 1837. Roots only has the baptismal records starting in 1841 but no marriage data.

    You may want to contact the RC church in Ennis to see if they can help you.

    Also, Drumleigh may be Cloghleigh townland which is near Ennis. If you have Google Maps, you can find borth Cloghleigh and Clonroad.


    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 3rd Jun 2014, 01:51AM
  • Thankyou Roger for putting a suggestion forward.  I have been away and so have not had the chance until today to follow up your suggestion.

    I followed the link and was able to find the marriage of Thomas CARRIGG and Susan RYAN on the exact date (10/2/1847) that I had for the marriage of Thomas CARRICK and Julia RYAN (as recorded on their daughter Ann'e Birth Certificate in Victoria, Australia.)  I will now need to try and find a full transcription of this record.

    A friend had previously found a baptism for a Catherine CARRIGG, born in the Ennis Parish to parents Thomas CARRIGG and Joan Ryan on 17/3/1848, with an address listed as Clonroad.  I do have a transcribed copy of the Church Baptism Record which the friend obtained through the Roots Ireland site, but the marriages for Clare do not come up on that site.

    I am presuming that the CARRIGG/CARRICK differences are just accent related errors of clerks, but the different christian names of the wife/mother of Susan/Julia/Joan and RYAN surname is confusing.

    Thanks again for your input - it all helps in trying to sort out long gone information.

    Lyn Ryan

    Friday 27th Jun 2014, 12:41AM

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