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Looking for information about the Owen Farrell and Bridget Tunney family who lived in the Dromore West area of Skreen.  They were married in 1860 and had 4 or 5 children.  My Grandfather was the oldest son born in 1862,  He emigrated to Americia in 1882 and never returned no information on the family at all.


Friday 3rd Jan 2014, 09:47PM

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  • I posted a message last month but have not gotten any feedback.  My GGrandfather Owen Farrell was born in a place called Derek, Sligo it is in a town called Carreuree.  I have found my Grandfathers baptisum record which was in latin and Owen was Eugenius.  My Grandfather was born in 1862.  The Farrell family had 5 children and Thomas born in 1862, John in 1865, Anne in .1867.  The priest at Thomas was Rev P. Conway this was in Carreuree.  The witness at the wedding in 1860 of Owen(Eugenius) Farrell and Bridget Tunney was Pat and Bridget Wear.  If you Carreuree or Derek.  Please let me know.


    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 07:55PM

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