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Hi, I am trying to find out any information on the Weir family (Lough Arrow Riverstown) and surrounding areas.
The Weir family moved to Sligo in the late 1700's and, by all accounts, were a well known family
Launcelot Weir (son of George) boen c1754
Known children: Launcelot, Mary, Eleanor,Francis & William
William (bc1786)married Winifred Tivnan (Various spelling)
Known children: Mary, Rev William Ormsby,Launcelot and Robert Lewis
Robert Lewis (bc1792) married (1819) Hannah Phibbs
Known children: Hannah, Ellen Jane, Maria Irwin, Jane, Robert George, Sarah Irwin, Richard Phibbs, Margaret Anne, William Ormsby, Launcelot, Arthur Cooper
Do you know anything of the Weir family?
Do you know where they are buried?
Any information would be very much appreciated. 



Thursday 5th Mar 2015, 11:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jacqui

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Have you managed to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 22nd Jul 2015, 08:48AM
  • contact Riverstown Folk Park

    Address: Millview House, Riverstown, Co. Sligo, Ireland

    Phone:+353 71 916 5001


    Open today · 9:30AM–5:30PM



     Mr John Taylor or a Hugh Kelly who will be able to help you 

    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 12:45AM
  • Friday 4th Mar 2016, 12:48AM
  • Hi Clarings me close to ,

    Thank you for getting in touch. Yes, I have found out quite a lot about the family, but there are still gaps that I would love to fill. Any information, no matter how small or trivial, that brings me close to a complete picture, is greatly appreciated



    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 01:14PM
  • Ooops sorry, my laptop seems to have had a little wobble


    Friday 4th Mar 2016, 01:15PM
  • Thank you everyone for coming back to me. I will certainly look into everything that has been suggested





    Saturday 5th Mar 2016, 01:06PM

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