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I visited Caher after Christmas in December 2011, unfortunately the Castle was closed but the town was lovely. The Beehive is a terrific cafe and makes a lovely cafe latte.

Since visiting I have found my great grandfather Michael Shortis's Cahir baptism certificate 19-5-1837 and several of his other siblings baptism certificates, his father Patrick Shortis & mother Johanna O'Rourke were married in Cahir 27-11-1864. The marriage witnesses were Peter White and James(Jacob) Rourke, no parents are mentioned. According to our family history records here the Caher baptism's between 1793 to 1809 are unavailable. Michael's eldest brother was John, and the 4 sons that migrated John, James, Michael & Thomas all called their first son's Patrick. It appears they were naming their children according to traditional  John Shortis married Johanna Leonard 31-12-1862 just prior to emigrating with Michael. Johanna remained in Cahir and baptised their daughter Joanne 22-2-1863.

Would a search of Patrick & Johanna's original marriage entry in the parish register list their parent's names? I would be happy to reimburse/pay for a photocopy/photograph of the original entry.

At some stage Patrick Shortis occupied a small allotment at Ballyhenebery.

I have other questions regarding Cleary's but I'll leave that for another day.

Kind Regards,

Kerry (nee Shortis)





Kerry Campbell

Wednesday 9th Oct 2013, 01:24AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Kerry,

    I assume that you got your information from ?  The information transcribed is generally good.  Some mistakes were made regarding the translation of names, and some entries from parish registers were missed altogether, however the information that you find on roots is all that will be in the actual register.  If parents names or townslands or priest's names are in the register, then all that informtion will appear in rootsireland.

    Hope this answers your question,


    Wednesday 9th Oct 2013, 11:56AM
  • Kerry  

    Michael and Bridgid ( Cleary) are my great grandparents. Their daughter Margaret my grandmother married  John Kennedy.    Pat 


    Sunday 16th Feb 2014, 10:51AM
  • Hi Pat,

    Thanks for your response. My grandfather Michael D1938 was the youngest of their family after your grandmother Margaret. My father Tom and my Auntie's have mentioned the Kennedy's. From your side of the family do you know Bridget's mother's maiden name? And did she travel to Australia alone or with family? Any retold memories of what they were like?


    Kerry Campbell

    Monday 17th Feb 2014, 04:17AM
  • Kerry I am not sure you have received my emails PAT 


    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 08:03AM
  • Hi Pat,

    No unfortunately I haven't received your emails. Would love to read them. Please resend.


    Kerry :)

    Kerry Campbell

    Sunday 23rd Feb 2014, 07:03AM
  • Hi Pat,

    No unfortunately I haven't received your emails. Would love to read them. Please resend.


    Kerry :)

    Kerry Campbell

    Sunday 23rd Feb 2014, 07:04AM
  • Hi Tom,

    No I haven't checked the Griffiths, I'm thrilled and astonished the shells of the houses are still there. Even more envious that I can't get over there.  No when I visited with my husband, sons and their girlfriends I didn't try to contact anyone. Would love to catch up with other descendants when I visit again next time. Busy saving!! I wish I was visiting next month like Denise. I've just started work and I couldn't not reply to your exciting news. I'll try Griffith's tonight or tomorrow night after work.

    Kind Regards & Many Thanks,


    Kerry Campbell

    Sunday 10th Aug 2014, 11:47PM
  • Happy New Year Tom,

    I have just been reading your previous emails and you have provided me with some wonderful information.

    Denise & Peter were very fortunate to have you guide them around Ballyheneberry & Ballingeary. I'm sure they were appreciative. Lucky them.

    I'd love to travel to Ireland this year, but I think it's more likely to be next year.

    Thank you for your research and information, it is terrific.

    Kind Regards,


    Kerry Campbell

    Sunday 11th Jan 2015, 07:03AM
  • Happy New Year Tom,

    I have just been reading your previous emails and you have provided me with some wonderful information.

    Denise & Peter were very fortunate to have you guide them around Ballyheneberry & Ballingeary. I'm sure they were appreciative. Lucky them.

    I'd love to travel to Ireland this year, but I think it's more likely to be next year.

    Thank you for your research and information, it is terrific.

    Kind Regards,


    Kerry Campbell

    Sunday 11th Jan 2015, 07:03AM

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