Would appreciate any help with finding a Marriage for Michael Meagher and Johanna/Judith Carew around 1812.
According to her Death Registration Johanna/Judith Carew was born Co. Tipperary 1789 parents Andrew Carew & Margaret Burns. Haven't found a birth record. Married in Co. Tipperary at age 23 (abt 1812).
There were 8 children born over 21 years name spelt Maher/Meagher, Carey/Carew Joanna/Judith Carew, Brockagh, Tipperary.S.R. Kilnanagh Lower Clogher Cashel address Drumwood/Brucca/Dumotway.
Would Dumotway be a name of a property eg, farm or house?
In 1852 Judith immigrated to South Australia with her children James 20, Mary 18, Ellen 15, Bridget 14, Michael 13 and Anne 11 so possibly her husband Michael could have died before then.
From her Death Registration 1863 she listed 11 children, Margaret 49, John, dec., Johanna, dec, James, dec, Mary 33, Andrew, dec. Ellen 27, Bridget 25, Michael 24, Ann 22 Johanna 20.
Looking for a cemetery around Drumwood for Michael's grave.
With thanks and kind regards
Sunday 8th Dec 2024, 06:07AMMessage Board Replies
Dumotway...perhaps you might post the document showing this name? Thanks.
The Meaghers of Drumwood are buried in Clogher graveyard. May or may not be yours
Clogher graveyard
by John Meagher of Drumwood
In memory of his father John Meagher
who died Nov br 21st 1842 aged
49 years
John Meagher died 20th Jan 1902
aged 70 yrs and his sister Mary died Feb 1876 aged 40 yrs
Hope this helps