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My name is Angela Morkin and I am a descendant of Mary Broderick Morkin (1816-1852) and Patrick Morkin (1815-1839).  We have done a great deal of family research but are looking to find more.

We know that Mary Broderick married Patrick Morkin on January 2, 1832 and resided in Cloughjordan.

She left Cloughjordan a widow in 1842 with three of her four boys, Thomas, James and Patrick, leaving a son, Michael back with family.  She came to Canada through Quebec and settled in southern Ontario.  She is buried in St.Patrick's Cemetary in Lucan, Ontario (Biddulph Township).

Some missing pieces of information we are hoping to find are how Patrick Morkin died (aged 24) and which port Mary Morkin left Ireland from when she came to Canada as well as anything else that may be available.

My parents and I spent a bit of time in Cloughjordan in September of 2012.  I will be back to Ireland this month as well as in August and am hoping to be able to find out more information on the family.

We have met with Morkan's in Listowell and understand they are a distant relation.  Not sure if the different spelling of the last name, Morkan vs. Morkin was just a case of the name being lost in translation of some sort?

Best regards,

Angela Morkin


Monday 7th Mar 2016, 02:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Angela

    ​My apologies for the very late response. Have you managed to learn anymore about these ancestors? ​


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 12th Apr 2016, 08:10AM
  • Hello Clare,

    This is all the information we currently have available.  A number of Morkin's have confirmed travel plans and we will be in Cloughjordan in early September.  Any addtional information you may have on the family would be greatly appreicated.


    Best regards,


    Friday 22nd Apr 2016, 02:17AM
  • Dear Anglea

    Unfortunately there are no Morkin listings in the online residential phonebook.

    In relation to  what port she left from, it is likely that you will learn more your side, perhaps in the National Archives, as authorities were much more concerned with who was entering a county that leaving it, particularly at that time. However there are very few surviving passenger lists prior to the 1860s. This link will give you an idea where things stands re availability:

    Another issue is the fact that church death records were not well kept and very generally there will only be a stone marker in a graveyard denoting a plot and there is likely no record of the death. If the family lived in Cloughjordan, then you may only be able to pinpoint the graveyard as a likely place of rest some of which are pictured here at Grawn Graveyard:…


    Genealogy Support 



    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 10:08AM
  • Hi Angela.

    A bit late for your trip to Ireland but the Morkan family in Cloughjordan originated and still live in a place called the Island, Cloughjordan. I'm not 100% sure of this area myself but it might be of some help to you. I'll check out the exact location of The Island.


    Tuesday 4th Oct 2016, 09:06AM
  • Hi Angela, I'm researching Morkins. Mine is from Borrisnoe, Tipperary. I'm at

    Tuesday 10th Apr 2018, 05:54PM

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