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My great grandfather Michael Maher married Mary Glascoe in Drom parish on 15th February 1841 and they then moved to Loughmore. Their death records show he died on 2nd Mar 1873 aged 55 (B 1818)and she died on 12th Dec. 1902 aged 95 (B 1807). A Honora Maher, spinster, who I assume was Michael's sister, and was living with them died on 15th June age 60 (B 1811). Michael's Grandfather John Meagher who died on 9th Oct. 1785 aged 37 (B 1748) is buried in the old cemetery in Loughmore. His wife was Cathorin Ryan. I recall my father telling me that his ancestors whilst buried in Loughmore were not native to the parish but came from "up around The Ragg"

In my research to date I found only one Mary Glascoe who was baptised in Drom parish on 7th Sept. 1813, her parents were Henry Glascoe & Mary Summers and sponsors James Burke & Mary Ryan. She had  3 sisters, Bridget baptised 24th Mar. 1811, Margaret baptised 23 Nov. 1823 & Anne baptised 13th May 1826 and a brother John baptised 28th Feb. 1828. Henry, listed in Griffiths Valuation 1850 had a smallholding in Clehill, Inch in what is now a green field site directly across the road from Inch  R.C. Church. Mary Glascoe "Summers" died 25th March 1867 & Henry died 11th May 1869 both in Thurles where he was described as a shoemaker.

I expect that Henry Glasco was a brother of John Glascock who died Sept 7th 1846 age 76 (B 1770) who is recorded as farming in Kilvilcoris and Larha, Drom in 1825 Tithe Applotment Records and is buried in Drom new cemetery. And that Thomas Glascoe who was married to Bridget Healy and James Glascoe who was married to Honora Spillane were also brothers.

Problem solved, or so I thought, until I came across the following Drom parish record "Patrick Brien baptised 6th Jan 1838, father Denis Brien, mother Mary Glascoe, sponsors Michael Rogers & Ellen Glascoe" If this Mary Glascoe was the daughter of Henry & Mary (Summers) as is entirely possible then who were my great grandmother mary Glascoe's parents! As for the Maher side of the equation, with no parents listed on marriage records, I may have reached the end of the road.



Michael Maher

Thursday 16th Oct 2014, 08:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Michael

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have forwarded your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish, I hope she will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014, 02:13PM

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