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Hello all,

Interested in making contact with any Guilfoyle family members, particularly those still living in Roscrea, Tipperary.  Also Phillips families.

My Great Great Grandmother Susan Guilfoyle, was an Irish Famine Orphan, who arrived in Australia on the Pemberton in May 1849.  She is listed as having come from Tipperary.  Here parents as listed on her marriage certificate of 1857 are Nicholas Guilfoyle and Margaret Phillips.

I attended the Celebration at Williamstown, Victoria, Australia last November which commemorated the journey of these young Irish Famine Oprhan girls to our shores.  It was a wonderful day.

Are there any records available still existing from the Roscrea Poorhouse?

I am trying to build a picture of all the Guilfoyle families so as to know where Susan and her father fit in.


Elizabeth McEvey


Monday 24th Jun 2013, 12:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Elizabeth,

    Many of the baptismal records can be found at either or

    The records for the poorhouse were kept by the Board of Guardians in each district.  The books for Co. Tipperary can be read at the library in Thurles which is the repository for all archival records in Tipperary.

    The Board of Guardian were set up under the 1838 Poor Law Act.  They were responsible for the administration of the poor relief throughout the country.  The minute books for Borrisokane, Cashel, Clonmel, Clogheen, Nenagh, Roscrea, Thurles and Tipperary unions are all available for consultation.The 1898 Local Government Act assigned the sanitary matters of the Boards to the newly formed Rural District Councils leaving the Board of Guardians with responsibility for poor relief.   The Board of Guardians were abolished in the early 1920s and the RDCs a little later.

    The level of detail in the daily records is amazing and makes for very interesting and often tragic reading. The staff are very helpful and you could email them to talk to them.

    Hope this helps,


    Anne Dennehy

    Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 01:51PM
  • hi there unsure how to use this but trying to get in contact with you to see if you were sucessful around this i might have some information for you if we are talking about the same people 

    so give us a shout :)

    Thursday 10th Apr 2014, 10:07PM

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