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I'm researching my gg grandmother Mary Ryan born in Templemore Tipperary c1832, emmigrated to Australia not sure how or when. Her death certificate suggests she was 56 years in the Colony when she died in 1910 which puts her arrival here about 1854.  so far I have not been able to find her immigration details.  I beleive her father was John Ryan a Cooper by trade married to Mary Effs  or Elff (it's not clear on daughters death certificate) I presume they were boyh from this parish also. John may have been transported as a convict but I can't find him on the ships indents he died very young ( age 38) in 1840 Picton NSW, Australia. Sometimes the convicts families were allowed to come out with them and other times they came separately at a later date. which is what I'm thinking has happened in this case because of the dates. 

If anyone has any information re any of the above I would be most grateful.


Wendy S



Wednesday 11th Sep 2013, 04:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Wendy,

    Thank you very much for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to assist or advise you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 18th Sep 2013, 02:24PM
  • Wendy 


    Found this information do not know if it is of any use to you - immigration record for New South Wales.

    RYAN    Mary           1853    58      Borrisoleigh   Patrick / Anne both dead {husb=John Ryan   at Burrowa has been in colony 15 yr   s}  Ship =        Blundell



    Sue Ryan


    Sunday 4th Feb 2018, 03:09AM

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