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This looks like a very exciting site and a great idea. I am hoping to trace my 2xgreat grandfather Hugh. I think he was probably born c1803 and was married in Geelong, Australia in 1845 to Bridget Ahern(or various spellings). I don't know how or when he arrived here(Australia). They had a family of  or 7 children, most of whom I have some information.

I am also interested infinding something about Bridget's family. She came to Australia in 1842 aboard 'Thetis' with Terence, Ellen, and Margaret(Mary) Ahern.

Thank you for this opportunity,      Rettanne

Saturday 3rd Mar 2012, 11:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Rettane,

    Thank you for your nice comment. Have you tried looking for a marriage record for them in Australia? There might be more details about them on that.

    You might also be able to find more information about Bridget from shipping records. You at least have the name of the ship and an idea when they arrived. Unfortunately there are almost no records of this type in Ireland, but you may be able to find something about the ship in Australia. There is generally more information at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers:  Another excellent genealogy website (Australia) is this one: The National Archives (UK) also has excellent records for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, etc.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)

    Monday 5th Mar 2012, 11:04AM
  • Thank you Sinead.

    I neglected in my post to give Hugh's surname of Fitzpatrick. On all certificates I have involving him he is said to have come variously from Dublin and also Tipperary, but on his death certificate in Geelong Hospital he is noted as being born in Cambridge, England.

    Likewise when Bridget adnd her siblings arrived in Geelong they were said to have been born in Tipperary but on one of her daughter's birth certificates she is said to have been born in Waterford. Although to be honest the informant was her 12 year old daughter.

    Unfortunately there does not seem to be any record at PROV of Hugh arriving anywhere in Australia. I guess he must have helped form one of the many thousands of shipping hazards out on the oceans as they were swimming here!

    Keep up the good work



    Thursday 14th Jun 2012, 07:08AM
  • Hi Loretta,

    Could you please post your message on the following parish pages: and

    It's worth a chance posting your message on these other parish pages. You never know, someone else might also be researching the same people.

    All the best,



    Thursday 12th Jul 2012, 02:30PM
  • Good idea Sinead, I will do that. Thanks

    Sunday 15th Jul 2012, 01:04PM

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