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Hello!  I'm seeking information on Patrick Corbitt (born 1815) and his wife Mary Tierrney (born May 1831). We had previously thought her surname was Dearney, but have given up hope on finding any Dearneys anywhere.

 Family verbal history says they had a child named Ellen that died in Ireland.  Patrick came to USA around 1850 or '52, settled in central Illnois, then sent for Mary.  They had several more children here in Illinois.  Family verbal history says they were from Cork, but USA census records show they reported being from Tipperary.



Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Several of us here have been searching many years for their place of origin.

Many thanks,

Lori in Peoria, Illinois, USA

Monday 12th Mar 2012, 10:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Lori,

    You seemt o have exact birth dates for Patrick and Mary. May I ask how you know this? Did you check birth records? If you did, perhaps the record offered more information such as a more precise location. It would greatly help if you knew more details.

    As for the name Dearney, perhaps the name was slightly different, like Kearney which is a much more common name. It is possible that the spelling has changed or passed down or written down incoreectly over the years.

    I suggest you check records in Illinois for more information. This is the most likely place that you might find more accurate information, as this is the place where the family moved to and settled in. The census records suggest Tipperary - perhaps this is where Mary is from?

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)

    Tuesday 13th Mar 2012, 09:45AM
  • Their birth and death dates are on their gravestone.  We've checked the county courthouse and the church, no records available due to fires.  Also checked with the local cemetery historian.

    There are a lot of Kearneys in the town/cemetery too but we haven't been able to find any connection.  They pronounce it here as if it's spelled Carney - is that how they say it in Ireland?

    We've also tried Darney, Dorney, Durney and gave up.  Thought we'd try Tierney to see if we could come up with anything.

    Thanks so much for your response, I appreciate you taking the time.

    Tuesday 13th Mar 2012, 03:15PM
  • Hi Lori,

    Yes the pronunciation is just like 'Carney'. The name has possibly been changed over time. The best at the moment until you have a more accurate location is to hope that someone in the locality might be familiar with the name and then guide you in the right direction.

    I'm sorry I can't be more of an assistance at this moment, but please feel free to contact us again anytime.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Tuesday 13th Mar 2012, 03:26PM
  • Hi Lori,

    In the Three counties area about Kilbehenny there are Corbett and Kearney families. I used the 1901 census 

    to look for Tierney in the counties around here, but none seemed close enough to go looking for a bride.

    In the South Corbett is much more common. I could not find any Corbitt below Galway and they were principally in Northern Ireland.

    Conor O'Brien

    Conor O'Brien

    Monday 23rd Apr 2012, 10:44AM
  • Hey, 

    My ancestors are 'Corbett' and they are from Cork, I don't have back as early as the 1800's though. I hve them on the 1901 Census etc, if you had more info then I could share my info with you if we could figure out if your ancestors were somehow related to mine. 



    Saturday 16th Jun 2012, 07:35PM
  • JJ,

    The only information I have about their origin is what I stated in my original post, which isn't much, but it is all I know.  All the older folks in my family are pretty firm on Mary's name being Dearney, but I don't know if they're all going by the same notes that my great aunt typed up, and she's passed away.

    My daughter and I have thought about taking a Ouija board to the cemetery to see if we could get Patrick and Mary to answer our questions, but I'm not sure if we really want to do that or not!!  :-)

    Thanks for writing, and keep in touch --

    Lori in Peoria, USA

    Monday 18th Jun 2012, 01:10AM

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