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My 2nd Great Grandmother was Mary Anderson born abt. 1843 in Ireland.  Father named Patrick Anderso.   Mary married Peter Reilly.  They had a daughter name Catherine Reilly born 18 Nov 1863 in Ireland.  Catherine and Mary eventually emigrated to Brooklyn, NY and both died there.   I just found a Baptismal record for a Mary Anderson baptised 19 Feb 1843 at age 0 in Upperchurch and Drombane, Tipperary, Ireland residence:  Garnathiltha, Parish Variance: Drombane, Upperchurch, Diocese: Cashel and Emly  Father: Patk Anderson Mother: Margaret Cahill   I would love to find out if this Mary Anderson married Peter Reilly sometime before 1863.  


Friday 19th May 2017, 05:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Bitabit:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The townland in the 1843 record was likely Garranakilka in Upperchurch civil parish.

    I searched on Roots Ireland and Find My Past and did not locate a Peter Reilly/Mary Anderson marriage.

    Do you know where in Ireland Catherine Reilly was baptized? I was unable to locate her baptismal record with Peter as father and Anderson as her mother's maiden name.

    Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 19th May 2017, 06:02PM
  • Thank you Roger.  I have had min and my mother's DNA done.   But I don't know what to make of it. I've looked at all matches for Reilly and Anderson but have only found connections to non-Irish Andersons ( Swedish).  The few records we have of Mary Anderson/Reilly and Catherine Reilly all say Ireland.  Father's name for catherine is Pete Reilly.  Father's name for Mary is Patrick Anderson.

     My Gedmatch  kit # is A491528  Unfortunatley the family tree we have been working on for 15 years is private.  My mother refuses to allow it to be published until after her death.  She is now 77 so it will likely be some time before I can publish it.

     My Mother's and my Ancestry DNA suggests Irish genetic communities of Ulster and the North Midlands.    I show up with 17% Irish, my mother 36% Irish. Most of the connections to "cousins" I have been able to establish are throuh my mother's Mother's line of Robertsons.  Mary Anderson Reilly and Catherine Reilly are ancestors through my Mother's father's line.   I really do not understand much about the DNA.  I read that people belong to certain Haplogroups and that helps identify where in Ireland their ancestors come from.   I do not know which Haplogroups I belong to. 

    I've been postponing my vacation to Ireland in the hopes that I will be able to first find where my ancestors came from.   Time is ticking though and I would love to be able to take my Mom to Ireland. Any assistance/advice you can provide is appreciated.

    Best Regards, Elizabeth

    Saturday 20th May 2017, 11:31AM
  • Roger,  I failed to reply to your question,   no we do not know where in Ireland Catherine was baptised.  She and her mother  are Interred at Holy Cross (Catholic) Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY.  


    Saturday 20th May 2017, 12:04PM
  • Elizabeth:

    I searched one more data base with no success on a record for Reilly. The surname Reilly and the name Catherine Reilly are very common. Reilly is very, very common in Cavan and also in Meath and Longford which would tie into the North Midlands data on Ancestry.

    I have tested with Ancestry, Family Tree and my data is on Gedmatch. My wife and I have both broken down brick walls based on DNA matches and corresponding. It does become frustrating because people do not respond to your messages or keep their trees private (like your mother). You just have to have patience.

    Personally, I would not delay a trip to Ireland waiting to determine where your ancestors come from exactly. The country is beautiful and you and your mother will have a wonderful time.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 20th May 2017, 04:35PM
  • Thank you Roger for your help.  Best Regards, Elizabeth

    Sunday 21st May 2017, 11:39AM
  • HI Elizabeth.

    Anderson, was a very scarce name, check where they were on Griffiths Valuation www.askaboutireland.i.e. in Co Tipperary and Limerick.  The name Reilly/Riley scarce also.  If you try checking which civil parish they were both in in Griffiths valuation, perhaps it would help.    I Also don't give up on GEDmatch, hopefully it will lead you to find your Roots.

    If you have any questions let me know.

    Christina Volunteer Irelandxo.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 22nd May 2017, 09:32AM
  • Thank you Christina  I tried entering Anderson and Reilly  in several counties but it says there are "No Griffiths Valuation records match your search."  which makes no sense to me as I know there were many Reilly's in Meath and I searched there.  Perhaps I need more information.

    Best, Elizabeth

    Tuesday 23rd May 2017, 11:34AM
  • Christina, It worked when I added the first name.  I found one County where there was both a Peter Reilly and a Patrick Anderson.  County: Meath Parish: Kilbride.     They are each in different Barony, Union and townland.  In 1854 I estimate that Patrick Anderson would have been in his mid-late 30s and Peter Reilly (his future son in law) would have been in his  teens to early 20s.   Peter Reilly and Mary Anderdon's daughter Catherine Reilly was born in 1863 so they were likely married soon before 1863.   Would this Peter Reilly actualy be on the Griffiths Valuation?  He wasn't likely old enough to own land in 1854. 

    Best, Elizabeth

    Tuesday 23rd May 2017, 12:02PM
  • Hi Elizabeth.

    If,you e-mail me at mallow1@irelandxo   .


    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 24th May 2017, 09:33AM

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