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My relatives were born and married in Clogher in 1841 before they travelled to Australia. James Cumberland was born on 15/12/1816 and Letitia Cumberland (nee Short) in 1818. James's parents were James Cumberland 1760- 1859 and Mary McNab 1786-1833.

Any suggestions on how i could find out any details on my ancestors would be greatly appreciated.



Sunday 23rd Mar 2014, 01:44AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Margaret

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in replying to your message. 

    As you can see from the link below, Clogher is a Civil Parish in Co. Tyrone:

    Records for the corresponding Roman Catholic Parish of Clogher begin in 1856 for baptisms and 1825 for marriages. There are some gaps in the records, notably between 1835 and 1840. As this is the case, there will be no Roman Catholic records for James. Do you know if your ancestors was Roman Catholic? Have you tried searching for any mention of your ancestor?s name in member family trees or messages?  

    You could have a look at the Tithe Applotment and Griffith?s Valuation records. Even though these records only name the head of household, the information is useful:

    Tithe Applotment Books (1823-1837):

    Griffith?s Valuation (1847-1864):

    Other websites that could be of help to you include the National Archives Census - you could check for the family name there. It would be interesting to note how many of the family name occur there in 1901/1911:

    The National Archives of Ireland:  

    The website of the Ulster Historical Foundation is also good for those whose ancestors come from Ulster: as is the Co. Tyrone Genealogical Research website: 

    Remember to post any new information that you find here. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Friday 4th Apr 2014, 01:43PM

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