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Im looking for any information on my 3rd Great Grand Fathers parents and siblings,  I know their names were Joseph Haughey and Mary Beglay from Dungannon I believe they owned or let a small holding come farm at a place called Derraghadoan and that the Haughey and Beglay families were near neighbours My 2nd Great Grandfather Patrick Haughey 1834 their Son married Anna Kelly 1834 on the 3rd of November 1859 at Drumglass they had 3 children Mary 1860 Catherine 1862 and Joseph 1863 all born in Ireland before they moved to Wishaw in Lanarkshire Scotland where their next child Susan was born in 1865 ,  I believe that some family stayed behind I have found other Children of Joseph Haughey and Mary Beglay  James 1830 Bernard 1835 and Joseph 1838 that also left for Scotland with some moving on to New Zealand.


Kindest Regards


Monday 2nd Feb 2015, 10:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Stewart,

    Griffiths Valuation for 1860 lists several Haughey households and at least 1 Begley in Derrghadoan.…

    There were 2 Haughey farms in Derraghadoan in 1901, and 1 Begley. So probably related to your family:

    Just 1 Haughey farm in 1911:

    Still a Haughey farming there in the 1950s. This probate abstract on the PRONI website:

    Haughey John of Derraghadoan county Tyrone farmer died 30 September 1953 Probate Londonderry 20 November to James McGurk farmer. Effects ?926 1s. 8d.

    Here?s a Bigley which is probably Begley.:

    Bigley Bernard of Derraghadoan Dungannon county Tyrone farmer died 9 October 1934 Probate Belfast 20 November to Joseph O'Connor labourer. Effects ?106 10s.

    The probate files themselves are not on-line and are held in PRONI where they can be viewed free.

    Drumglass RC parish records start in 1821, so you may be able to build up a full picture of all the children to the family, and how the ones who remained in Ireland are related. However Drumglass records don?t appear to be on-line anywhere yet. They will be going on-line in the summer on the Irish National Archives site. Until then you will either have to go to the National Library in Dublin or to PRONI in Belfast, each of which has a copy on microfilm.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Tuesday 3rd Feb 2015, 12:10AM
  • Thank You and sorry for the delay in getting back many thanks


    Saturday 7th Oct 2017, 10:20AM

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