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Looking for information regarding my 2x Gt Grandparents Owen McELROY and Mary MANAGH.

The story goes Owen McElroy, was born in Fintona, County Tyrone and Mary Managh, was born in Sixmilecross (or Drumlister), County Tyrone. Owen, a Catholic lad, worked on the Managh (Church of England) farm, and the friendship was not looked upon with favour. They both emigrated to New Zealand on the ‘Zealandia’ in 1879.  They were married in Feilding in 1881 in a Catholic, then an Anglican ceremony.

Both were born abt. 1859-1860.  The Zealandia passenger list gives Owen as a farm labourer from Dublin (maybe part of the scheme to get away?). I have no information about his parents or siblings. 

Mary's sister Ellen (b. ~1856)  and cousin Alexander were also onboard the Zealandia.  Mary's brother Charles (b. ~1855) had already immigrated to New Zealand in 1875.  Mary, Ellen and Charles' parents were Alexander Managh and Mary Curry.

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated,




Saturday 14th Jul 2012, 09:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sarah,

    There are lots of books and documents available about the Irish emigration to NZ. There is a website you could look at: for information about the Irish in New Zealand which may help you obtain further information about your ancestors.

    The civil parish for Six Mile Cross where Mary was born is Termonmaguirk. Civil registration records are available from the General Register Office (GRO). These start from 1864. You can access the website here:

     For church records you could try the National Archives. and or the the Public Records of Northern Ireland.

    You could try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64). The Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38): Microfilm copies of the books for all of Ireland are available at the National Archives of Ireland (NAI) or the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Griffith's is freely available here: or here: Failte Romhat has lots of other useful links you could try looking at which may give some insight into Owen and Mary's parents.  

    It might be worthwhile to investigate possible family members of either Mary or Owen via or for a fee through .

    I wish you good luck with your search.

     Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Cynthia O'Connor


    Ireland Reaching Out


    Wednesday 8th Aug 2012, 02:16PM
  • Hi Sarah,

    Your note is interesting!

    I live in New Zealand. My Mothers maiden name was Managh she was born in Feilding in 1929 Betty Jill. Her Father was Robert James, he was born in 1889 he was a farmer and came from Sixmilecross my Grandmother Robert's wife was the same age. She came from Perth Scotland and her name was Margaret Young Glen before she married Robert. How or when they came to NZ I'm yet to find out.

    I don't know where Robert James fits in but would like to.

    How are you getting on with your research, let me know if I can help further.

    Kind regards

    Jan Thomas

    ps have you seen this:

    Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 04:08AM
  • Hi Jan,

    I believe I am your cousin. Your mother is my father's sister. I know your mother as Aunty Jill. My father's name is Ian Managh: he lives in Wanganui, previously of Parewanui. His other siblings were Robert and Doris. You may recall Christmas cards and the occasional letter and visit from my parents. You and I have not met. I live in Wellington. My brother who lives in Auckland is planning a visit to Sixmilecross in August. I visited there in 2007. My parents visited Sixmilecross about 2000 and called on relatives who still have the Managh farm there.

    I have family tree information waiting for me to collate it.

    Kind regards,

    Molly (nee Managh)

    Thursday 4th Jul 2013, 03:55AM
  • Hi Jan,

    I suspect as Molly has visited Sixmilecross she will have the answers.  Very envious! My great Uncle and Aunt and their children have also visited the Managh's in Sixmilecross.  I wonder if the same ones?

    How definite is Robert James' birth date.  On other Ancestry trees there is a Robert James born in 1885 to Black Sam and Letitia Managh.  Are Samuel and Letitia names that are repeated in your family?  Black Sam was a cousin to my Mary and Ellen mentioned above and a brother to Alexander that travelled with them.

    I've just found a note in information given to me by my great Uncle that Andrew Managh, his wife Margaret (Lyons) and daughter Bella came to NZ possible ship name ARAWA.  Also travelling with them was a Robert James Managh.  Having checked findmypast I did indeed find them on the Arawa leaving London on 9 Oct 1913 for Wellington.  Andrew is also a brother of Black Sam so it all seems to fit nicely.

    Hope that helps! I'm also in New Zealand - Taranaki.

    Kind regards,



    Thursday 4th Jul 2013, 10:51AM
  • Hi Sarah, It would appear that we are cousins of a sort in that Owen and Mary McElroy are my great grandparents. My mum who turns ninety this week was bought up with her grandparents after her family were killed in 1927. She is Patricia McElroy daughter of George McElroy and Kathleen King. She lost her family when she was only 2 in a terrible accident at Ongarue in the King Country. Only her and her sister Collen survived the ordeal. They were taken back to Fielding where they spent the rest of their childhood. Mum was adopted by her aunt Laura McElroy when she was ten.

    Owen and Mary had 11 children (no TV)  two of which  died in the influenza epidemic. They are: Arthur, George (my grandfather) Dave, Herbert, Laura, Jane, Kathleen, Eileen and Margaret. Mum remains the only living McElroy in her immediate family.

    As a matter of interest, Jill Managh was my mother's bridesmaid.

    Any information that I have you are welcome to Sarah. You may contact me at

    I hope by now you have heard from others in the McElroy clan.


    Donnas Mitchell


    Monday 5th May 2014, 05:51AM
  • Hi Molly,

    Sorry Molly, I lost this thread and could not find it again but now I have after all this time.....if you are still there. Thanks for your post Molly. Yes my mother would be your  Aunty Jill. She is still going but only just. Is your Dad Ian still with us?

    You are right we never had met but we did get cards from your family. I have been keeping in touch we Jenny our cousin Doris's youngest daughter she is close to her brother and sisters. 

    Have to let me know about the Sixmilecross visits.

    I have some old family photos perhaps you would interested? I think some of Ian. I kind of really like old pictures.

    And have you seen this our Grand Dad was one of the "Berry Boys" This is the link if you have not seen it check it out it's really cool.

    All the best Molly, hope to hear from you.


    Jan Thomas

    ps Email me direct if you like

    Thursday 13th Nov 2014, 12:43AM
  • Hi Sarah,

    Thought you may enjoy this photo, (trust it has attached) Robert James Managh on board the ship S.S Arawa back centre. I don't know the others but bottom right and centre have a very similar look.

    Trust you are well Sarah.

    Kind regards


    Thursday 13th Nov 2014, 02:57AM
  • duplicate sorry

    Thursday 13th Nov 2014, 02:59AM

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