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Looking to connect with other descendenants of folks who lived in the townlands of Ballymacmague (N, E, W, S). My ancestors were there for several generations from the late 1700's to about 1900 or so. Surnames are Gleeson, Queally/Qualy, Flahavan, Morrissey, Walsh. My 3-great grandparents were married at St. Mary's in Dungarvan  on 19 February 1828 and left for the US in the late 1840's. They were Brigid Gleeson and Daglin (Declan/Deighlen) Flahavan/Flavin. Unfortunately there are gaps in St. Mary's baptismal records for the time period when they would have been born. I do have a subscription to, FindMyPast and other major databases, but I would really love to hear more about the area and from anyone with more knowledge about any other descendants.

Anne Kasuboski, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States


Wednesday 4th Sep 2024, 08:27PM

Message Board Replies

  • Local volunteer contacted.

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 4th Sep 2024, 09:09PM
  • Dear Anne Kasuboski, please email me Re:Ballymacmague, etc.

    Eddie Cantwell, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 6th Sep 2024, 11:52AM

Post Reply