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Anyone have connection with Foran family, Parish of Mothel, Town of Clonea (aka Clonea-Power), District of Rathgormack, County Waterford? Map attached.

Parents Michael Foran b. circa 1820 and Mary Kennedy, b circa 1823, children:

William Foran b. 1847

Patrick Foran b. 1849

Michael Foran b. 1852

Bridget Foran b. 1856

Mary Foran b. 1859

Thomas Foran b. 1861

Catherine Foran b. 1864


Sunday 25th Sep 2016, 04:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike:

    Welcome back to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched for prior Foran messages in Co. Waterford and the only one I could locate was a message that you posted in 2013. Hopefully, someone else with Foran connections will comment on your message. Have you considered autosomal DNA testing?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 25th Sep 2016, 08:41PM
  • Thanks Roger! Yes, done DNA.


    Monday 26th Sep 2016, 01:03PM
  • Mike-

    Have you shared your DNA results on GEDmatch or through Wikitree?

    I believe that we have been in touch in the past re: Foran/ Kennedy connection.

    Kathy (Kennedy) Kelley

    Gedmatch kits: A431307 T561655 (my father)

    I visted Clonea Power two years ago and am going back again in a few weeks. David Kennedy and I have continued to build our research based upon the Kennedys of Clonea/ Rathgormcak/ Mayfield Rocketcastle / Portlaw / Tinhalla / Carrickbeg

    I found the Foran plot in a local cemetery that are connected to our Connecticut Foran (Glenhouse)  branch.



    Thursday 2nd Mar 2017, 04:20PM
  • Hi. A Mary Foran was married to James Skehan in  Graigueavalla, Rathgormack. She was born in 1764 and passed away 18 November 1813. This is as far back as I can go in our family tree. According to a headstone in Carrick Beg where she is buried more of my ancestors are interred there but there are no names. Any help would be appreciated

    Sunday 30th Apr 2017, 11:35PM
  • I should have said that my side of the family is the Skehan side

    Sunday 30th Apr 2017, 11:37PM
  • Thanks Micasa! Is your tree on Any way to view it, see if maybe possible connection Foran side?


    Sunday 7th May 2017, 06:10PM
  • Hi Micasa, I am a direct descendant of James and Mary (Foran) Skehan and are researching my family history. It would be nice to get in touch. My email is


    Thursday 24th Sep 2020, 06:37AM

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