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Hi there I will be visiting  Ireland from Australia in first 2 weeks of August and hope someone can help me

I did a post in October but it may have been just to County Westmeath-a lady did reply with a link to~~ civil parish of Ardnurcher/Horseleap-but as I passing through the County in August hope someone could direct me to possible parish register records with a bit of luck-

I am searching for records of my GG Grandmother Annie Killooley, Born Westmeath approx 1821, father John Killooley and mother Catherine. I have a copy of the Westmeath Guardian newspaper January 17, 1839- which describes her  court case and her crime  as"stealing quilling and edging". She was sent to Australia aboard the convict ship" Whitby" which sailed from Cork 18 February 1839.




Friday 5th Jun 2015, 04:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi George, The National Library of Ireland are putting the RC Parish registers online (free) early July.

    Regards Frances

    Friday 5th Jun 2015, 08:50AM
  • Hi George, The National Library of Ireland are putting the RC Parish registers online (free) early July.

    Regards Frances

    Friday 5th Jun 2015, 08:51AM
  • George:

    Frances is correct about the NLI rollout on the 8th. However, NLI may not have baptismal records back far enough for you. The RC parish for the Ardnurcher/Horseleap area is Clara and it is part of the Diocese of Meath. Below are the records that you will find on the register for that parish and it appears that baptismal records start in 1845.

    Roger McDonnell

    Clara & Horseleap
    Marriages Nov. 16, 1821 - Nov. 25, 1880 P.4174
    Deaths Jan. 9, 1825 - Feb. 23, 1854
    Oct. 2, 1864 - Oct. 4, 1868
    WITH no. of persons in each townland
    of Horseleap for 1831.

    Kilbride & Clara Baptisms Feb. 16, 1845 - Dec. 26, 1880
    Horseleap Sept. 2, 1878 - Dec. 14, 1880
    (A modern copy, made in 1934)

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Jun 2015, 03:14PM

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