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Looking for information on my greatgreatgrandparents Walter Cafry (Caffrey), b. 1796 and Catherine Smyth, b. 1801.  They were married in Oldcastle, Meath on January 7, 1819.  They had five children, including my greatgrandfather Bryan Bernard, b. 1838.  Walter died in Finea, Westmeath, on July 26, 1866 according to Civil Registration.  He is listed as a widower.  I would like to know if there is a record of who is buried at the church in Finea.  I haven't found Catherine Smyth's death and burial yet.  Any information would greatly be appreciated.

Rose Mary Victor

Monday 9th Jul 2012, 10:06PM

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  • Thanks for the info.  I had already checked and they're not there.  They only have a small portion of names buried there.


    Sunday 29th Jul 2012, 08:15PM
  • I have Smyth ancestors.  My 5x great-grandmother (mtDNA line) is Elizabeth Smyth born in County Meath some time in the late 1770s, I think.  I've been looking for Irish Smyths from County Meath.  Also, her daughter needed a 3rd degree dispensation from the church (when marrying a  2nd or 3rd cousin the church had to give permission)  and I was wondering if there's a chance they were Smyth relatives.  Her granddaughter married a Smyth and I was wondering if it was the same lineage or not.  I have a bunch of Smyths in my tree from County Meath.  I am DNA tested.  I have them on my Ancestry tree though that section of the tree is more speculative and probably not accurate. 



    Thursday 4th Jan 2018, 10:57AM
  • I should add that my Elizabeth Smyth m. James Farmer had a son, Nicholas.  In the Irish Catholic Parish Records there is a Nicholas Farmer who died in Oldcastle - though I don't think it was Elizabeth & James' son, and there are James Farmer & Elizabeth Smyth who die in Oldcastle, 1845, but I don't think they would have lived that long.  There is also a James Farmer b. Oldcastle 1823.  The problem with the Irish Catholic Parish Records is not enough information is available to connect them definitively to one's ancestors and the names are SOOO common there may be many many of the same name.  Just offering this information in case there could be a connection.  DNA is the safest way to check - Elizabeth Smyth is my 5x great-grandmother and most distant known female ancestor - mtDNA.  I'm also part of a Smith DNA group on FTDNA.  I've found no mtDNA matches with Smyth yet.


    Sunday 4th Mar 2018, 01:42PM

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