Hello, I'm writing to ask for transcription assistance from persons who have more experience than I do at reading Catholic Church Baptism registers. The entry in question is from Milltown, Westmeath, a baptism of May 30, 1840. The image of this record is attached (see left column, just above the page break where June entries begin). Could anyone please take a stab at reading the names in this entry that may be part some of my ancestors?
Thank you,
Patrick Gannon
Tuesday 29th Oct 2024, 03:56PMMessage Board Replies
I think this may be the one you are looking for (source: RootsIreland).
Name:Catherine Cary
Date of Baptism:31-May-1840
CountyCo. Westmeath
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:William Cary
Mother:Catherine Grehan
Sponsor 1 /
William Petridge
Sponsor 2 /
Margaret LyonsNotes:
You are good! Thank you. Unfortunately for me, these folks are not my ancestors. All the best, Patrick
Patrick, Perhaps you might let us know the names of the couple you are looking for, as well as the name of the child. Thanks.
Thank you for asking about my ancestors. My g-grandfather was Patrick Gannon, and I'm 98% certain he was born in May 1840 in Ireland. He apparently had a twin sister, Mary. Their parents were William Gannon and Margaret (Walsh) Gannon, both of whom were born in Ireland. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any documentation that states which county they lived in before moving to Carlisle, England between 1848 and 1854. All family members are Catholic.
Griffith's does list a couple of William Gannons, but I could not find any further info about my family - either the counties in Griffith's aren't where my family came from, or Baptismal records in those counties are not available at NLI.ie for May 1840. I've searched NLI.ie quite extensively for Baptismal records for Patrick, Mary and their siblings to no avail, and also tried a one-day subscription to RootsIreland which did not find any of my known family members.
I would be very grateful for any leads you may suggest.
Thank you,
Patrick Gannon
Earlier discussion of this family can be found here: