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Hi, I am looking for any information about a John Armstrong, who was convicted for Sheep stealing at Westmeath 16th October, 1849 and transported aboard the "Lord Auckland" to Tasmania, Australia.  John was 19 at the time of his trial so was therefore born about 1830-31. Place of birth: "County Westmeath" is all I have.  He was 5'7", could read a little and was Roman Catholic.  Trade was a farm labourer.  I am seeking any information about his birth, parents, siblings etc.  Many thanks, Fiona 

Sunday 17th Mar 2013, 04:59AM

Message Board Replies


    I also found this on roots web ancestry message boards

    NAME: John Armstrong
    SHIP NAME: Lord Auckland 3 or 4,
    PORT OF Departure, Ireland, 29/9/1852, arrived 21/1/1853
    REMARKS: Applied to marry Catherine Staines, free, 14th August, 1855, CON
    52/7 Page 2

    and THIS on ancestry message boards they want to connect to realtives in Irelands too-some of his family became police officers how ironic!!

    Hope you  enjoy connecting with your new friends or relatives in Australia

    Best wishes Jen from MELBOURNE Victoria Australia-just across the tasman sea from your ancestors


    Convict John Armstrong 1849 armart (View posts)Posted: 22 Aug 2000 12:00PM GMTClassification: QueryEdited: 17 Jun 2004 7:24PM GMTSurnames: ARMSTRONGMy Great Grandfather John Armstrong was transported for 7 years to Van Diemens Land (Tasmania) in 1849 for sheep stealing. The trial records show that the trial was held in County Westmeath, that he sailed from Cork aboard the Lord Aukland in 1852 and arrived in VDL in 1853.
    His decendants turned out okay - my father, brother and I all served as police officers in Tasmania. I would dearly like to establish contact with any kin still in Westmeath.

    Re: Convict John Armstrong 1849 fionaja2 (View posts)Posted: 7 Sep 2012 12:02PM GMTClassification: QuerySurnames:Hi, Your John Armstrong is also my ancestor. He is my great, great grandfather. I too have been looking for any relatives still in Westmeath - unfortunately without much luck. Which of John's children do you come from? I am from Stephen James b. 1873. Since alot of his and Catherine's children were born as 'male' or 'female', it has been a bit difficult matching them up with names. So far I have Henrietta, John, Alfred, James, Charles, Ann (Annie) & Stephen - I still have two to place (1 male, 1 female) - I think the male could be William or Thomas and the female Sarah???? - but not sure at this stage. If you are able to shed some light on this for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers, Fiona

    Re: Convict John Armstrong 1849 ivan reidy (View posts)Posted: 8 Sep 2012 8:27AM GMTClassification: QuerySurnames:i also have edward armstrong born kings county ireland about 1840 was in the royal irish constabulary,father was joseph what relegion are your armstrongs mine were church of ireland

    Re: Convict John Armstrong 1849 fionaja2 (View posts)Posted: 8 Sep 2012 9:10AM GMTClassification: QuerySurnames:Hi Ivan, John Armstrong was listed as Catholic when he first arrived in Tasmania and he and his wife were buried as Catholics.

    Re: Convict John Armstrong 1849 ivan reidy (View posts)Posted: 8 Sep 2012 9:40AM GMTClassification: QuerySurnames:thanks fiona there were serveral familys of armstrongs in that area u may get lucky with someone who may have a connection, best of luck

    Re: Convict John Armstrong 1849 armart (View posts)Posted: 8 Sep 2012 9:48AM GMTClassification: QuerySurnames:Hi Fiona,
    Stephen James Armstrong was my grandfather and my father was Wilfred James Armstrong. He had three sisters, Rene, Kathleen (Kate) and Jeanie and three brothers, Leslie, Wallace (Brickie) and Leonard. I don't visit this website very often so I will give you my email address and phone number in case you would like to contact me further. My eamil address is I live in Tasmania and my mobile number is 0407932641. I have recently located John and Catherine Armstrong's grave if you are interested and don't already know where it is.
    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Cheero for now.

    Paul Armstrong



    Tuesday 26th Mar 2013, 01:47PM

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