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My Great Grand father Michael Allen came to Australia in 1875 leaving his Mother Elizabeth Fagan and father also a Micheal Allen behind. They were a large family of 8 chldren, Christine B1839, Catherine B1842, Mary B1844, Laurence B1847, Patrick B 1853, Michael B1855, Matthew B 1856, Peter B1862. My Great Grand father married Isabella Mark at Charters Towers 16th January 1884 and started his own family of 8 children here in Queensland, Australia. He died on the 21st July 1900 and is buried at Charters Towers along with some of his children. I have hit a brick wall as far as finding out more information about my Great Grand fathers siblings and his parents and the parents of Michael and Elizabet Fagan. I have also found that Matthew came to Queensland in 1881.

If you can help in any way with more details about my ancestors please contact on my email, thank you Gary.


Saturday 11th Mar 2017, 07:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Gary:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Roots Ireland has the 1838 marriage record for the parents in Multyfarnham RC church. Likely all the baptismal records are on Roots. The Multyfarnham records start in 1824  so likely Michael and Elizabeth were born before 1824.

    Date of Marriage:15-Mar-1838
    Parish / District:MULTYFARNHAM County:Co. Westmeath

    IThe 1854 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing shows Michael Allen in Ballindurrow townland. See links.

    The only Allen family I can find in the 1901 census is in Multyfarnham. Not sure how they may be connected to your family.…

    You may want to consider autosomal DNA testing.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 11th Mar 2017, 05:02PM
  • Dear Gary,

    I live in the village of Multyfarnham. I get emails from Ireland Reaching out and I have done a course with them.
    I have made enquiries and have made contact with a gentleman who is living in BallinDurrow in the original home of an Allen family in Multyfarnham. I will speak to him later

    in the week and get more information from him.

    I would be grateful if you could email me at and let me know you have received this message.


    Monday 27th Mar 2017, 08:59PM
  • Hi Marie

    That sounds great to hear that I may get more news about my Irish ancestors so hears hoping. I must say thank you for what you are doing for me. I'm not sure what details you have about my family, perhaps only what I have said in my post? My email is

    I will send an email to you via your email just in case this post does not get to you. Once again thank you and bye for now, Gary.


    Tuesday 28th Mar 2017, 10:24PM

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