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Michael Moran born c1795.

Michael Moran married Catherine Kelly 26th Feb 1816 at Milltown.

Looking for records of children of this marriage.

Also looking for any descendants in Ireland today.


Saturday 17th Nov 2012, 05:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    You can check for the available Catholic records in the Milltown area here:…

    Also Failte Romhat has lots of other useful links you could try looking at ).

    You may also try- if you haven't already:


    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:


    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 




    Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 10:37AM
  • I am an Australian descendant of Michael Moran and Catherine Kelly.

    I know of 3 of the 4 children of this couple and I'm trying to find the 4th one.  I know there are 4, as Michael Moran was transported to Sydney in 1829 aboard the "Fergusson" for appearing armed at Mullingar.  In 1837 he applied to have his wife & 4 children join him.

    Would you contact me at kesleycourt at (change "at" to "@").  DNA has proved the connection between 3 of their children in Australia.  The 4th may not have left Ireland.


    Sunday 10th Mar 2019, 01:07AM

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