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We're alive and well in Canada. 

My father, James Peter Conroy came to Canada from Athlone in 1929 with his parents, John Desmond & Mary (nee Blakely)  Conroy, sister Evelyn May and newborn brother John Desmond  jr. It was a tough start for the family in a new country as John Desmond Sr. was killed (a suspicious work accident) within weeks of his arrival in Toronto. Despite this, both Jimmy and Johnny grew up ( may was not so fortunate) and were able to start their own families producing 10 children ...and I don't know how many grandchildren & great grandchildren (still counting) between them.


In 1997, I was able to visit Athlone with my three brothers and see the old family home (and birthplace) of my father at the intersection of Scotch Parade and St. Marys square (before it became a parking lot). We met cousins and relatives a-plenty, while enjoying the craic of the town.

Thee seems to be very few "Conroys" left in town despite the name on "Nuts Corner" pub from a different bunch of Conroys :) . My Grandfather was an Irish Republican Army solder during the War of Independance and I'd love to find any information on his service.

Monday 22nd Jun 2015, 05:21PM

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  • Hi,

    I found John Conroy listed as Private at Custume Barracks, Athlone in 1922 Military Census.  His address is listed as Scotch Parade, Athlone and next-of-kin is Mary Conroy.  He is 23 years old.   Your Granddad therefore was a Free State soldier.  

    This is from Irish Military Archives site.



    Tuesday 18th Aug 2015, 08:47PM
  • Hello Patricia, thanks for your help.  I too recently found the 1922 military census. I'm not so strong with my irish history however,  it's my understanding that the Free State didn't come into effect until December 6, 1922.  While Grandpa may have been a Free State soldier after this date, he was in the anti-treaty Republican Army prior to the Anglo-Irish treaty signed in December, 1921. My fathers June 1922 Irish birth certificate lists his father's occupation as "Soldier IRA". (I also have photos of him in his IRA uniform.)

    Friday 16th Oct 2015, 02:13PM
  • Friday 16th Oct 2015, 02:17PM

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