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Anastatia (Anty) Doran married John Rourke 9 March 1881 in RC Chapel of Clongeen.  The father of Anastatia was named Maurice and he was deceased in 1881.  Can't decipher her residence at the time.  She was listed a s spinster, farmer's daughter.  John Rourke was of Tullycanna and was a miller.  They raised a family in Tullycana my grandfather (Patrick Rourke) was one of their children. His sister, my grand aunt Mary had a Kathleen Doran as a witness for her wedding to Edward Kehoe in 1930.

Anastasia wasn't listed on the 1901 census and John listed himself as a widower in the 1911 exercise.

They had four children Thomas (1882-1930), Maurice (1884-1911), Patrick (1888-1944), Mary (1889 -).

I am interested in any information on Anastasia Doran and her family as well as John Rourke.  John Rourke's father was named Thomas and he was farmer and living at the time of the 1881 wedding.


Monday 30th Jun 2014, 08:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • A death registration for Anastasia Rourke of Tullycanna, 25 July 1904, has been received.  It lists the place of death as "Asylum", district/union of Enniscorthy.  Indicates the was a 42 year old, spinster, house keeper (go figure).  The informant was an inmate of the asylum.


    Monday 30th Jun 2014, 09:17PM
  • RC Church records indicate Anastatia Doran was baptized in Newcastle (Clongeen) Co. Wexford, 27 Mar 1861.  Parents Maurice Doran and Mary Dens.  Coincidently Maurice Doran in the records of the same location earlier the same month died on the 19th.  I wonder at the possibility of their being in Clongeen a church with records and possibly grave markers for the family.  Is the best hope finding parish records on microfilm in the National Archives?


    Friday 25th Jul 2014, 04:46AM
  • I have done a lot of work on this family - please contact me at - in addition you can go on my webpage on rootsweb named kellerlane - 



    Wednesday 1st Apr 2015, 01:20PM
  • I have done a lot of work on this family - please contact me at - in addition you can go on my webpage on rootsweb named kellerlane - 



    Wednesday 1st Apr 2015, 01:20PM
  • Thank you for contacting me with direction to your web page.  It does appear we have a common interest with possibilities for further progress.


    Thursday 2nd Apr 2015, 04:44AM
  • Anastatia's daughter Mary Rourke married Ed Kehoe, 25 June 1930, RC Church Ballymitty.  Kathleen Doran and John Kehoe were witnesses.  Kathleen fits somewhere in Anastatia's family puzzle.


    Friday 3rd Apr 2015, 04:40AM

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