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I am looking for descendants of Peter furlong born 1827 in Enniscorthy. He married Margaret Ellen Kehoe and had several children, whose names I have. He left Ireland around 1881 and went to Canada to the farm of an Uncle. I don't know where the farm was but I'm guessing Ontario, Canada. Family lore says Peter had to leave Ireland because he got into some trouble. He was perhaps involved in the demise of a policeman. He took 2 sons with him--my grandfather Peter Furlong born July 1871 and Michael John Furlong. I know my grandfather (born July 1871) was born on Hospital Lane in Enniscorthy.

I know something about one of Peter's (born 1827) brothers. His brother John left Ireland and came to the United states. He married Margaret Callahan of Iowa and eventually settled in Chicogo.

Does anyone feel they have a connection to this family?  Sincerely, Jane McGarvey

Thursday 18th Jul 2013, 06:55PM

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