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Would a death at "Park" in the district of Old Ross but in the Union of New Ross with the informant listed as "Occupier"  refer to a death in a workhouse? 

Thanks in advance for advice,

Irish Great Grands



Thursday 29th Sep 2016, 07:22AM

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    I assume your source is a statutory death certificate? A death certificate must contain the address where the death took place. So usually when someone has died in the workhouse, that is specifically mentioned (and if the deceased died away from their usual address,  the normal address should also be written under their name).

    By way of example, I have attached a death in Ballymoney workhouse in Co. Antrim in 1905, for someone whose usual residence was the town of Ballymoney. You’ll see that he died in the “Union Infirmary” (nearly all workhouses had an infirmary), and the informant was the Master of the workhouse. He is noted as “occupier” but that term is not exclusive to workhouses. It would apply to any person who lived in a property who was the informant for a death there. (The informant does not have to be a relative or a doctor. Someone who was present at the death can suffice). So as I say, it should be evident from the certificate whether the death was in the workhouse or not.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 29th Sep 2016, 11:01AM
  • Hello Elwyn, 

    Thank you for another helpful suggestion. I am truly indebted to you for your assistance over many months.

    I am currently evaluating  death certificates for two65 year old widows with the same name in the district of New Ross either of whom could be my great great grandmother.  One specifically says she died at the Work House in New Ross and the informant was the Chief Medical Officer for the Work House. The other simply gives Park as the place of death.  The informant was shown by (X his mark) as  John Whelan, Occupier, Park.  It did not occur to me that Park might be a Work House until I saw another Work House death record referring to the informant's qualification as "occupier".  The death was registered in the

    • Superintendent Registrat's District of New Ross
    • Registrar's District of Old Ross
    • District of Old Ross
    • Union of New Ross

    I have been reading online records for Old Ross and New Ross for what might have been meant by "Park" but have so far drawn a blank. Further advice from forum readers would be appreciated.




    Friday 30th Sep 2016, 06:12AM
  • There's are townlands named Springpark, Heathpark, Bushpark and Mylerspark all in Old Ross registration sub-district and in Old Ross Civil Parish.. one of these might be the place mentioned ?

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 7th Oct 2016, 07:40AM

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