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Searching for any Johnson relatives in Meath.

My ancestor Mary Johnson b.1776 and transported on the Telicherry with the "Telicherry Five" i.e. Michael Dwyer, Hugh Vesty Byrne, Martin Burke, Arthur Devlin and John Mernagh, had two children with John Mernagh.  As Mary was  29 yrs old when she set sail possibly she had left a husband/children/Mum & Dad, siblings behind.

Anyone wanting information on how Mary fared in Australia I am happy to share.



Friday 26th Dec 2014, 03:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mary:


    I just saw your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  Are you aware of the book that was written by Kieran Sheedy entitled "The Tellicherry Five?"  He is living outside Tulla, County Clare.  The book is very well-done and contains lots of information with regard to those transported at that time.  

    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 26th Dec 2014, 08:10PM
  • Hi Kim 

    Theo only birth / baptism record that came up for Mary Johnson around 1776 in Meath on a subscription site) is a baptism 4 Feb 1783 parish Navin parents Daniel Johnson & Mary Neil; denomination not given.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 27th Dec 2014, 07:42AM
  • Hi Kim

    I believe that Mary is also an ancestor of mine through a son Michael, Fathered by Michael Gillespie (convict , Ship Indian). 

    I am sorry I have no information to share but would be grateful for any information I can find about her 


    Friday 10th Apr 2015, 01:04PM

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