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Do people profiles need to be all done in one sitting, or is it possible to to add to a profile in several sessions.  I have started a profile for Daniel Fitzpatrick (1806-1859), but have not yet added all the source material; I wasn't sure how to cite original documents....  if we have pasted the documents into ancestry, is that ok for the URL? 

We (...a group of Daniel's descendants) are working on a description of Daniel's life that should be finished shortly, and we have attempted to fully reference that document, but this might make the file a bit too big... so might need to massage the file a bit to fit...

Is it possible for me to acknowledge in some way all of our group members as contributors?

thanks Fran


Monday 30th Apr 2018, 03:37AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Fran:


    Thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching out message board.

    What I would recommend that you do is to create a profile as a Word document with the links (Ancestry URLS) at the end.  You can copy and paste this into the profile and then upload it to the site. 


    Once you post it, it takes up to 3 days (max) to publish it, so you can't edit.  However, after it has been published, you can go into edit it as you need to.

    If you have any further questions, please email me directly at:

    Thank you for your interest and for sharing your family history with us at Ireland Reaching Out.

    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 30th Apr 2018, 04:22PM

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