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A couple of wonderful websites have been set up by Historian Kevin Lee of Carnew, Co. Wicklow.                                    

coollattincanadianconnection    - outlines all of the details of the weeklong events being held during the last week of         

                                                      August 2016 

                                                    - links to many family stories and research resources too.

historyofcoollattinestatefacebook    - this site is accessible to all - no need to have a Facebook account! 


Anita Ormond

Sunday 10th Apr 2016, 03:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Anita

    If you would send me some more detail I can create a page and add the above as a resource info on the relevant parish page

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 11th Apr 2016, 11:07AM

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