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Hi im searching for ancestors of Nicholas Tyrrell born abt 1820 in Merginstown moved to Dublin abt 1840 to Hammond Lane.

Friday 20th Dec 2013, 03:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Phil,

    Thank you for your message. Do you have an more information that you can share that may help others further your research? Information such as family members, occupations, religion, emigration details. Also include what sources you may have already used.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support  


    Thursday 13th Feb 2014, 01:57PM


    Payment of benefits

    Thomas Tyrrell 24 Hammond lane furniture £1 10s

    Catherine Tyrrell 12 Hammond Lane unhoused loss of furniture etc. £1 10s

    FJ 10 May 1878


    Sunday 29th Jun 2014, 06:33PM
  • Hi Ray that brillant ,many thanks.Where did you find the info ?

    Wednesday 2nd Jul 2014, 02:21PM
  • Apologies for delay: FJ 10 May 1878 = Freeman’s Journal (a newspaper)


    Special jury

    Tyrrell Gerald 11 L Sackville Street Bookseller

    Tyrrell James 10 Old Church Street, ironmonger

    Freeman’s Journal 4 Jan 1844


    Thom’s Irish Almanac 1847

    Pg. 416 Tyrrell James. Iron Founder. 16 Church Lane and 30 Hammond Street


    Potential juror

    21. James Tyrrell, 16. Old Church-street, ironmonger.

    Dublin Evening Post 13 May 1848


    Struck off July list by crown prosecutor

    James Tyrrell 60 Church Street iron founder

    Freeman’s Journal 16 May 1848


    JAMES TYRRELL, 26, HAMMOND LANE, BEGS to inform the Town Commissioners and Proprietors of Public Institution, &c., &c., that he now on SALE, 21 SUPERIOR IRON LAMP POSTS, with a set of Three LAMPS each, which he will dispose of at one half the original cost.

    The Advocate 4 Sept 1850


    August 10. At the residence of his uncle, Mr. James Tyrrell, Rosemount. North Circular-road, Mr. Joseph Quinn, aged 29, after a long and painful illness, which he bore vita truly a Christian fortitude. His remains will be interred in Glasnevin cemetery on to-morrow (Tuesday) morning at ten o'clock.

    FJ 11 Aug 1856


    February 2, after a short -illness, Mary; the beloved wife of Mr. James Tyrrell, iron merchant, of this City. Her remains will be removed from her late residences, Rosemount, North Circular-Road, for Interment, In Glasnevin Cemetery on Monday morning at ten o'clock;

    FJ 28 Feb 1863

    (Short Version Cork Examiner 2 Mar 1863)


    MARRIAGES, July 4, In the Metropolitan Church, Marlborough Street, by the Rev William Purcell. James Tyrrell, Esq, Rosemount, North Circular-road, and Cardiff's Bridge, to Kate, second daughter of the late Michael Keegan, of this city. No cards.

    FJ 5 July 1864



    J Tyrrell, Hammond Lane, Dublin, for his collection of draining tools

    Dublin Evening Mail 4 Oct 1865


    DEATHS. January 2, at his residence, Rosemount, North Circular Road after a short illness, Mr. James Tyrrell, in the 70th year of his ego. His remains will be removed for internment this (Thursday) morning, at nine o'clock. Friends will please accept this notice. . (FJ 4 Jan 1866)


    TYRRELL Rosemount, North Circular-road, Dublin, the wife of Mr. James Tyrrell, of a daughter.

    Cork Examiner 14 Aug 1866


    St Paul’s School


    Mrs. Tyrell, Hammond Lane 31

    Dublin Evening Post 3 Aug 1866


    Will you let me know if you assemble a tree? Raymondwtyrrell2003 at yahoo dot co uk


    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 05:29PM
  • Thanks Ray,dont think that James Tyrrell is related,although i did not know for certain (Thoms directory 1862) until your post,cheers for that.Heres the tree Philip Martin.I also have one for Ancesrty and Wiki.

    Monday 30th May 2016, 01:49AM
  • PS It was actually Thomas Tyrrell Nicks son who moved to Dublin in the 1850s and married Catherine Dunne from Baltiglass.There was another James Tyrrell (Thoms directory 1862 Hammond lane) who lived at no3 on the lane,he may have been related.Cheers Ray.

    Monday 30th May 2016, 06:35AM

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