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Info edward evesson from ruthdrum parish left ireland about 1850ish, any family stay in ireland ? or only only the four boys

Thursday 21st Aug 2014, 03:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kimmie

    The 1901 & 1911 Irish  Census (free online) have a family of Evessons in Wicklow - Aughrim Tinakilly Upper

    The Griffiths Valuation 1848-64 free online has 2 Thomases and 2 Roberts in Ballykine Wicklow

    There are none in the Tithe Applotments or the current Irish phone book in any county has only 1 Evesson birth/baptism record for Wicklow and it is Ann in 1830 (not Rathdrum)

    The only marriage record is Anna 1895 (not Rathdrum)



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 21st Aug 2014, 05:58AM

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