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Our family is definitely from Ireland, and supposedly from Galway (My maiden name was Burke).

On my grandfather's death certificate, it is stated he was born in Ireland, but I'm fairly sure he wasn't. Possibly his father was.

Is there any way to learn anything?

We live in the US now, and our older relatives have all passed away. Seems like a pretty cold trail.

Anne Watson

Wednesday 30th Nov 2011, 03:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Anne,

    You need to give names and dates and any information that you have, so that someone may be able to help you. It is possible to find information depending on what you know. Also are you a beginner, intermediate or advance researcher?

    I have Burkes in my ancestry also, from North Clare and Galway, going back to the 1700s.  I am willing to help you, but Burke is a really common name.

    Anne M


    geniemoz, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Sunday 24th Jun 2012, 10:59PM
  • Anne M:


    Can you check my specific information on the tail end of Martin Burke.  Is there a connection to some of your information as noted above?

    Monday 10th Dec 2012, 11:34PM
  • I am interested in your responses, as I have Burkes from Galway City also. John Burke (1804-1864) lived in Galway on Williams Street. His children emigrated. I may also connect to Burkes in Parkmore. I am especially interested in learning more about Burkes from Galway City, and Burkes who were pub owners or brewers.

    Anne M. and Anne W., I would love to hear more about your Burkes. Ralph, how do we see the information about Martin Burke that you mention? Martin is a name in my Burke family.


    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 01:37AM
  • Check the Martin Burke Blog

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 01:58AM
  • How would I do that, Ralph? Where is the blog?

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 02:03AM
  • If you search for Martin in Co Clare then read down the dialogue and you should fine what you are looking for.  If you need further info just write back.

    Tuesday 11th Dec 2012, 02:37AM
  • Anne M,

    Do you have a Nicholas Burke in your tree?

    Jen Harris



    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 01:03AM
  • There was a Nicholas Burke in Galway City in the mid-1800s. What time frame and location was your Nicholas from?

    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 01:37AM

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