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Hi there

I am looking for info on my great great grandfather William Campbell b around 1811, was tried  at Carrickfergus Castle 1 May 1830 for stealing tools and sent to Australia for 7 years aboard the convict ship Asia (8)  aka Asia V(II). which sailed from Cork 6 August 1831 and arrived Sydney 2 December 1831

Native place was Belfast, trade-Stable boy,former conviction-6 months, religion-Catholic

I am researching from Australia and trying to find info on original conviction, where born and family member in Ireland



Friday 4th Oct 2013, 09:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • George,

    If any papers relating to the 1830 trial have survived they should be held in PRONI, the public record office in Belfast. (Search under Carrickfergus Assizes, or Co Antrim Assizes). The records themselves are not on-line and a personal visit would usually be required to view them.

    You could also try the Belfast Newsletter for any mention of the case. The Newsletter was published twice weekly and generally did cover the Assizes, so you may get some information from that. Back copies are held in Belfast Central Library. Again a personal visit is probably required to access those for the 1830s (Some earlier editions are on-line but not the 1800s as far as I am aware).

    Not sure how you would trace the previous conviction without further details. And if it was a minor offence death with by a magistrate (as seems likely), I?d be surprised if any record still exists. However the 1830 trial papers might refer to it.

    You may need a to get a researcher to look these up for you.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 4th Oct 2013, 09:55AM

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