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I would like to thank the team at Ireland Reaching Out, as the response and suggestions provided to me following my initial message concerning locating the original residence of my GGGrandfather, Robert Russell, proved to be most useful and totally relevant.  I have now managed to locate relatives who still reside in the area, and will be visiting them later this year.  

Many thanks for providing this great avenue for descendants of Ireland to reconnect with Ireland.  I am looking forward to visiting your great country, and re-connecting with my roots.

Thanks again,

Brian Russell

Friday 28th Feb 2014, 05:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Brian,

    Just read your message regarding finding your relatives and ancestors birthplace.  I'm so glad that it all worked out for you.  The volunteers on this site do our best to help and guide folks like yourself and more often than not don't know the outcome of the story.  I'm not the volunteer that helped you but I'd like to  thank you for sharing your success with us, as I think it's the success stories that keep us all going and motivated.

    Hope you enjoy your trip to Ireland,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Friday 28th Feb 2014, 02:43PM

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