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My grandmother Catherine Regan was  born around 1884 in the town of Boyle. her parents were patrick and Catherine who were marrind about 1871 in July. One of the witnesses was named Hopkins. 

The rRegan family moved to the US shortyl after the birth of my grandmother and settled in R.I. There were three or four children born before my grandmother. 

I would love to connect with any relatives who may have stayed behind in Boyle. My great grandmother maiden name was Conry.

Tuesday 17th Dec 2013, 04:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone recognises the family name and contacts you via these pages. It would be great to make a connection with a relative still here! In the meantime, have you ever considered posting a message in a more local forum such as a local newspaper of newsletter? This may increase the likelihood of someone who knows something seeing your message. Here are some places where it may be possible to do so:

    • The local parish office may be able to include something in their newsletter. Here are their contact details:  

    Very Rev Canon Gerard Hanly PP VF

    Tel: 071 9662218

    Rev Alan Conway CC

    Tel: 071 9662012

    Boyle, Co Roscommon

    • Local newspapers may be able to include an ad, here are links to some of them:

    • Local websites may be able to help you reach out. Here is one for Boyle:


    Best of luck in your search,


    Genealogy Support




    Thursday 13th Feb 2014, 11:28AM

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