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My Greatgrandfather was Patrick Kane whoi I beleive was form the Hospital/herbertstwon area. He married Bridget Carroll (born 1861 to David and Mary 'Morgan' Carroll of Hospital) in Norwich CT USA. I have a letter dated March 4, 1895 from Mary Higgins to Bridget that would suggest Patrick and  Bridget knew each ohter prior to their coming to US in early 1880s. I know Bridget was from Hospital and had no luck finding any information about Patrick. Patrick would be born abt 1859 and had a brother Michael b. abt 1862 and a sister Mary b. abt 1865. Parents were James Kane and Mary 'Kearney' Kane.

I did communicate with IRO conact in Knockainey with no luck. Information provided indicated that Kanes did exist and do exist now in that area but none of my ancestors.

Any help is greatly appreciated.





Monday 19th Mar 2012, 06:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    Roman Catholic church records are available for Hospital dating from 1810. These can be accessed from the National Library of Ireland, Pos. 2507, or the Limerick Archives. Perhaps you should write to the parish priest for the area and see if they can check their records for information about Patrick Kane.

    You could also try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) and the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64). Griffith's is freely available here:

    Hopefully, someone in the local community will be able to shed some more light for you.

    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Genealogist (Ireland XO)

    Wednesday 21st Mar 2012, 04:01PM
  • I have no memory of a Kane family living in Herbertstown. I do recall a Keane family living there and as I no longer reside in my home parish I asked some people to give me some information and I got the following from Mary Sheahan:

    Paddy Keane was reared in Ballinaschoola in the house which was later Mickey Dea's, as we called him. He married Julia Higgins (sister to Bill, Lar, Mollie and another brother whose name I dont have ) They lived in whats now Paddy Mc Kenna's house. They had two daughters, Mary and Josie. They latter died shortly before she was to wed. Mary married a man called Hugo Flynn from Lough Gur. They had one daughter Julie, now as far as I know, both her parents died while she was young and she went to live in Patrickswell with her Aunt Mollie. To my knowledge, these Keanes are no relation to Mary Keane that lived in the double cottage in Cahercorney. Hope this is some help.

    As you will guess Paddy Keane was probably born at the end of the 19th century or at the beginning of the 20th century. I can get you relevant addresses if required and I also know two Carroll families in Hospital.


    Martin Phillips

    Saturday 24th Mar 2012, 09:03PM
  • Martin

    First of all thank you very much for taking the time to reply and follow up onm my inquiry.

    i tried to send a reply earlier with an attachment but it failed. Or so I think anyway.


    I wanted to send a copy of a letter I came across from a Mary Higgins in Hospital from March 4 1895 to Bridget Carroll Kane wife of Patrick Kane. In the letter she refers to Patrick as her cousin and wishes to be remebered to Michael and Mary (Patrick's brother and sister). She also asks about Michael Carroll (Bridget's brother) by full name which implies to me a difference in tone and familarity than when referring to the Kane family members.

    So another possibilty or link is to follow the Mary Higgins connection from Hospital area to see if it will lead us to Patrick Kane somehow.

    If you are comfortable in sharing your personal email address i will send a copy of the letter as an attachment.


    I thank you very much for your help!!!


    Sunday 25th Mar 2012, 03:37PM
  • I am interested to see where Bridget Keane and James Mahony/Mahoney lived.

    They married in 27 Jan 1839 in the RC parish in Bruff, Co Limerick. witnesses/sponsors were: Charles McDunne and Patrick Keane

    In Hospital and Herbertstown RC parish co Limerick, they baptised the following Children:

    Patrick 1840, witness/sponsors were Thos Bourke, Mary Keane

    Catherine 1841, witness/sponsors were Danl Kirby, Anast McNamara

    Terrence 1844, witness/sponsors were John fitzgerald, Cath Mahony

    John 1845, witness/sponsors were James Fitzgerald, Cath Keane

    Sally 1847, witness/sponsors were James Fitzgerald, Mary Mahoney

    John 1849, witness/sponsors were

    James 1850, witness/sponsors were James Carroll, Mary Keane

    Timothy 1852, witness/sponsors were Mary Keane

    Brian 1856, witness/sponsors were James Keane, Anne Twomey

    Mary 1859, witness/sponsors were Edward Murphy, Mary Toomey

    so very interested in both the Mahony/Mahoney family as well as the Keane family of that era,

    thanking you,


    Monday 21st Oct 2013, 10:31AM

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