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if you are a relaive or descendant of either Susan Waters or Mary A. Waters of Clonfert, Co. Galway I would like to invite you to join the Eyrecourt Parish page on Ireland XO. Both girls emigrated from Clonfert to Australia. They appear to be related, possibly sisters. The Waters name has completely died out in Clonfert. The name does not appear in Griffiths Valuation of 1856. However, it is obvious that Susan was still here as late as 1862, but must have been resdiing with J. Lyons.

Susan Waters aged 18 in 1854 from Clonfort (Clonfert) travelled on the ship the ?Lady Kenway?. Her parents are recorded as Henry and Maria. Her father was in America and her mother was living in Clonfert. She is recorded as being Church of England.

Mary A. Waters aged 19 in 1862 also from Clonfort (Clonfert) is also recorded as being Church of England. Her ticket was paid for by a J. Lyons. Mary sailed on the ship the ?Northumberland?

The fact that Henry Waters was in America in 1854 may suggest that some members of the family settled there also.

Regards,                                                                                                                                                                                            Christy Cunniffe

Friday 6th Apr 2012, 09:29AM

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  • Hi

    I am also looking for a "Waters" member from Galway. I don't know if its any connection. Her name was Harriet, and she had a child called Henry Crean, and a Joseph was also with her, but we're not sure what the relationship was.

    She was not Catholic, but her children were apparently. Our mother said her grandfather applied to a parish in Galway to see if he was baptised. He found he was. He married in Manchester UK, but Harriet didn't attend. 

    She's our missing link. Henry Crean was born in 1850 to Harriet, but we don't know whether she was married to his father, who was called Crean, or anymore about her, other than she said her father worked in a jewellers. 

    She was literate, and she was musical. I can find no records for her. 

    I wonder if there is any connection?
    Yours sincerely 

    Geraldine Hughes



    Sunday 11th Aug 2013, 03:01AM

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