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My GGgrandparents were William John McKinstry and Elizabeth Marguerite Loder/Lawther.  They had at least one son, John Howard McKinstry.  On his marriage record he said that he was born in Lurgan, Armaugh, Ireland Dec 22, 1855.  The family story of his emgration from Ireland to the US is that he Came to U.S. from Ireland when 6 yrs of age in the company of an Uncle and Half-sister after the death of his mother Elizabeth Marguerite (Loder) McKinstry.  He may have come in through Canada.  John Howard married Delia Marie Kelter, whose grandparents were Irish immigrants.  They had 8 children, most born in Iowa and Nebraska.

Any help in finding William and Elizabeth in Ireland would be greatly appreciated.  My one McKinstry male cousin has posted his DNA on the FamilyTree DNA project.  So far, we have not had any connections from this, however.

Jodie Streit

Wednesday 22nd Aug 2012, 05:07PM

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