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john obrien living in 5 mountjoy square east during 1800-1870s or any resident of this building during these times

1800 july anna maria ball and her younger sister isabella were sent to micklegate bar convent in york where they recieved a wide ranging education with the main focus on languages particularly french 

1801 february marriage brien anthony eldest son of denis thomas of city of Dublin = oconnor miss 4th daughter of hugh of same city

1803 anna maria ball and her younger sister returned to dublin anna maria began a life of charitable work 

1805 november 12th anna maria ball aged 20 was married to john obrien the younger son of mr denis thomas obrien who resided at 22 rutland now 2012 33 parnell square  the obrien family were almost as prosperous as the balls so we may spend a few minutes on their business interests and background denis thomas the father was in business in a mercantile house engaged in foreign import trade under the name of t meade and co and thomas meade was a partner for a time their premises were at 23 merchants quay and they also had extensive warehouses in cook street behind the quay  mr obrien senior was a conservator of the peace a member of the ouzel galley society and the commercial buildings co a director of the royal exchange insurance co a trustee of the lay college maynooth (1802) and treasurer of the general magdalen asylum in townsend street they lived in rutland square and anna marias husband was in partnership with his father until the latter retired   marriage settlement registry of deeds bears the same date november 12th 1805 anna had been given a marriage portion of £5,000;00;00 john ball specified in his will that if any of his daughters should marry before reaching the age of 21 without the consent of his executors or the major part of them she should forfeit her fortune and only receive £500;00;00 he was quite sensibly taking care that his daughters should not be prey to fortune hunters    the signatories of the trustees randle mcdonald a bookseller of upper bride street and james Connolly a merchant of Sackville street therefore appeared on the marriage settlement as also did mrs mable ball as executrix of her husbands will in addition to anna marias substantial settlement denis obrien was transferring lands rentals and a dwelling house on merchants quay to his son and in a final somewhat unusual clause £4,000;00 to the younger children of the intended marriage             The most well-known Catholic philanthropic family network in this period was the O’Brien/Ball family. This family exemplified the interconnectedness between religious and lay charitable activity  in this period. One of its best known members was Anna Maria O’Brien, the most famous lay Catholic philanthropist of the early nineteenth century.Anna Maria was married to a wealthy Catholic merchant, John O’Brien. She was sister to Mother Teresa Ball, foundress of the Loreto Sisters   anna maria ball married john obrien the younger son of denis thomas obrien a prosperous merchant she had a marraige dowry of £5,000;00;00 and denis thomas obrien transferred to john a range of properties and rentals in dublin the couple lived at 5 mountjoy square they later adopted three children of anna marias half brother john ball the only child of anna marias fathers first marraige

1807 anna maria obrien visiting her sister cecilia a novice at cork ursuline convent where she met mary aikenhead their friendship had an important influence on the expansion of charitable societies and female religious congregations in dublin and this was further encouraged by obriens close friendship with rev daniel murray the future catholic archbishop of dublin anna maria introduced aikenhead to murray  

1808 Her husband, John O’Brien, was one of those ‘pious & opulent Persons’ to which Troy referred regarding the acquirement of land for the Poor Clares at Harold’s Cross 

1809 anna maria devouted her energies to setting up a number of establishments to assist dublins female poor notably an orphanage for destitute girls in harolds cross later given over to the poor clares and a house of refuge in ashe street in 1809 

1814 january 6th House of recovery and fever hospital cork street Dublin number and names of officers and servants 5. John obrien 5th day of January 1813 to 5th day of January 1814

 1814 House of refuge set up by anna maria Obrien moved to Stanhope street  house of refuge for industrious females Stanhope street formed 1814 house of refuge moved to larger premises in stanhope street in 1814  

1814 august 11th denis Obrien died and the following brief obituary from watty oxs irish magazine is worthy of quoting   died at his house rutland square denis thomas obrien esq an eminent merchant he was munificent pious charitable he bequeathed £1,000;00;00 to the fund for building the new chapel in Marlborough street and £50,000;00;00 to an unmarried daughter whose benevolence and solicitude to do good to educate destitute infancy and relieve indigence must have influenced her parents in this ample distribution of his fortune to a lady who will not apply it to any giddy follies which are too much the pursuits of fashionable life  denis thomas obrien the lay pontiff of Ireland     maria Obrien extended the school built at killina invited the presentation order to come to rahan 

1815 john Obrien merchant 21 mountjoy square was elected a member of the Dublin society in 1815  joined the RDS proposer 1 mr Joshua pim proposer 2 mr Richard darling Obrien was a collector for the roman catholic chapel in townsend street a supporter of oconnell           anna maria obrien and john obrien did adopt the three children of anna marias half brother john ball the well endowed young pair lived throughout their married life in no 5 mountjoy square (now no 22) this property has been very well restored so much so indeed that the only original feature would seem to be the doorscraper

1815 anna maria through her friendship with mary aikenhead transferred the management of the house of refuge to the sisters of charity in 1815 the sisters of charity worked closely with obrien over the next couple of decades on a range of projects they visited the jervis street hospital together and anna maria partnered the nuns on their first visit to kilmainham gaol where they met two young women convicted of murder   obrien was appointed lay manager of a number of sunday schools and parochial schools on abbey street and later in kings street where the nuns conducted the teaching 

1818 anna maria introduction of mary aikenhead to daniel murray archbishop of dublin resulted in the founding of the first sisters of charity congregation in north william street dublin in 1815 

1819 august 1st mother m Catherine and sister m de sales went to visit jervis street hospital they were conducted to the hospital by mrs john Obrien anna maria ball 1785-1871 born co Dublin of wealthy parents sister to frances Teresa ball 1794-1860 founder of the loreto congregation in Ireland she established a number of charitable enterprises such as the house of refuge in ash street she was a close friend of mary aikenhead 1787-1858 and she worked closely with the sisters of charity after their foundation    house of refuge set up in ash street  1809 moved to Stanhope street 1814 in 1819 it was taken over by the sisters of charity this visitation of jervis street hospital continued for some years until the sisters of mercy took charge of  the institution mrs obrien also accompanied the sisters the first time they went to kilmainham gaol where at the request of the governor they came to visit two young women convicted of murder mrs anna maria Obrien manager of Stanhope street

1820 Dublin directory A Obrien esq 8 upper gardiner street               John Obrien esq 5 mountjoy square east

1824 October 19th indenture maria Obrien and john Obrien and anna maria Elizabeth Obrien and most reverend david murray 

1825 january  a letter from glascon and duggan bridgefoot street to w sweetman 4 mountjoy square asking his help in organizing a subscription for mr luke cahill evidently gone bankrupt the  collected £97;00;00 from their English homes one house in England which lost £1,000;00;00 through lc failure subscribed £50;00;00 everyone recognised the integrity and worthiness of lc whose failure was his misfortune rather than his fault g & d are also writing mr obrien and hope that he and mr sweetman will launch an appeal among their families at least £250;00;00 would be needed to guarantee old lc an annuity for the remainder of his days       mr luke cahill

1825  november 14th dedication ceremony metropolitian cathedral dublin 900 benefactors of the cathedral buried in the vaults under the church crypts which extend under the department of education Marlborough street    obriens given a tomb in the crypt of the pro cathedral

1827 may 18th miss Obrien died sister mary clare Obrien she died shortly after her final profession after marias death her brother john placed a monument to her in the grounds of rahan church   her tombstone in the adjoining cemetery reads to the memory of maria obrien sister mary clare who made her solemn profession in the religious order of the BVM in the convent of killina on the 12th January 1822 and closed a life of singular edification on the 18th may 1827ad aged 62 years and 4 months this monument was erected by her affectionate brother john obrien

1827 john obrien took over the property at rahan of over 4,000 acres after his sister maria obrien death

1828 May 14th  reference to indenture 14th day of may 1828 of john and anna maria Elizabeth obrien first part  Patrick oliver plunkett 2nd part   and colombus martin oflanagan 2nd part  1 catherine Atkinson 2 cecilia maria lynch 3 mary anne baen 4 mary donagh 5 catherine mary young 3rd party consideration of the sum of £2,000;00;00 sterling from 1,2,3,4,5 to john obrien in land 200 years manor of readingstown otherwise rahan 14th may 1828  see 1853 july 23rd

1829 January 23rd procathedral crypt     burial   57 mrs Elizabeth obrien       

1829 january 28th transcript book 843 204 565 204  limerick john Obrien mountjoy square kenna  February 11th witnessed signed sealed January 28th 

1829 1st july transcript book 850 284 568 784 palmerstown lands john Obrien city of Dublin Anthony Obrien upper gardiner street Michael Hackett Sackville   denis Thomas Obrien   from Theobald woulfe will of 5th may 1778 signed sealed witnessed 15th September 1829

1829 September 1st transcript book 850 100 568 600 gardiner street 1. William francis hart 2. John Obrien mountjoy 3. Anna maria Elizabeth Obrien to scully 2nd September 1829       

1830  june 25th Friday transcript book 861 16 574 016 at one oclock 5th day of june 1824 thomas ellis esq master of his majesty high court of chancery in Ireland  first part Mable clare ball of city of dublin widow James connoly city of Dublin esq surviving executrix of john ball esq deceased second part Daughter Cecilia ball son francis ball son nicolas ball john brien and anna maria obrien ball Thomas Sherlock and Isabella Sherlock ball john ball minor grandson and heir at law plaintiffs Giles eyre of eyrecourt castle in county of galway esq and his children * anne eyre wife deceased  john eyre* esq his eldest son and heir at law kutter lambert esq anne lambert* eyre wife  burton perfse wife ancheretta * perfse eyre  Richard*eyre elinor*Disney eyre jane* eyre simpson Hackett of riverstown in co of Tipperary esq surviving partner of the firm and trade of Thomas Bernard and simpson Hackett esq bankers  William collier james Patrick ward Andrew Richard and martin and Nathaniel sneyd of the third part defendants    Thomas Seymour of bellimore castle in county of galway esq of the fourth purchase £3,800;00;00 paid bank of Ireland 27th may 1818 19th December 1821 lands of bellimore and moaty and dowras barony of Longford and county of galway 28th day of January 1822 to be sold by Thomas ellis Friday 25th day june 1830 one oclock in afternoon

1830 july 3rd transcript book 855 255 571 255 gardiner street john and anna maria Elizabeth brien to hughes transcript book 862 50 574 550 theatre limerick john and anna maria Elizabeth Obrien to Curtis

1830 September john Obrien set up the Dublin trades political union to campaign for political reform later national trades political union he acted as secretary and spoke at public meetings urging repeal of the act of union and the registrar of voters  Obrien was a director of the national assurance company of Ireland and a shareholder in the patriotic assurance company he was a member of the ouzel gallery society and of Dublin chamber of commerce 

1831 may or july 19th transcript book 873 351 580 351 limerick john anna maria Elizabeth Obrien to newenham 

1831 november 11th marriage philip oreilly to cecilia ball spinster sister of anna maria Elizabeth Obrien ball marriage settlement

1831  Population of Ireland 7 million

1831 when the schools were transferred to kings inn street the sisters were given entire charge of conducting them and mrs obrien was appointed manager surely most unusual for a laywoman in those early days she continued to visit the schools once or twice a week until invalided by old age sarah Atkinson tells us the very poor among the children were nourished by soup made in her own house and indeed her purse and her personal aid were always at the service of the institution she was the first who encouraged the cultivation of music among the pupils by making a present to the school of two pianos and a harmonium 

1833 obrien was also instumental in bringing mary aikenheads plan to establish a catholic hospital in dublin into reality accompanied by her husband mr and mrs obrien travelled to paris in 1833 with the three sisters from the dublin congregation being sent to train in hospital nursing and management in preparation for the opening of the hospital in Dublin anna marias very good knowledge of French would have been of immense help in the settling in of the trainee nurses and facilitated this mission 

1833 august 1st £8117 10 shillings 9 pence most reverend daniel murray dd of the first part william ohara of leinster street in city of dublin esq of the second part john obrien mountjoy square anna maria elizabeth obrien his wife of the third part mary aikenhead alicia walsh mary hennessy eleanor chamberlain nridgit teresa teeling all of stanhope street in city of dublin spinsters fourth part stephen simpson of lower gloucester in the said city of dublin esq trustee and charles strickland fifth part 

1834 january 23rd saint vincents hospital stephens green 56 mary aikenhead sisters of charity saw the opening of saint vincents hospital for the poor on saint stephens green dublin obrien was a frequent visitor to the hospital and alongside her work in the schools she supported a number of orphanages in dublin and was a regular companion to the sisters of charity on the visitations of the poor and sick of dublin she was able to draw on considerable family funds to support these various establishments and was also a generous patron of the loreto sisters founded in ireland by her youngest sister frances teresa ball   obrien was a key figure in the establishment of a catholic charitable and educational infrastructure in dublin in the first half of the nineteenth century 

1834 book 1834 file 18 mem 253 obrien – oreilly marriage settlement between john Obrien of Mountjoy square Dublin and anna maria Elizabeth Obrien ball his wife and Cecilia ball spinster Youngest daughter of john ball the younger esq deceased who was the eldest son of john ball The elder late eccles street co Dublin esq deceased  whereby reciting that a marriage had been Agreed upon between Cecilia ball and Philip oreilly marriage par?? 2000 pounds

1834 Transcript book 1834 20 30 mountjoy square john Obrien   See 1871 

1834 Mrs john Obrien mountjoy square manager kings inn street school mrs anna maria Obrien St vincents hospital st stephens green formerly the town house of the earl of meath opened its doors to the poor of Dublin after the establishment  of the hospital mrs obrien was a frequent visitor to it bringing beauty and fashion with her according to sarah Atkinson it was said by one who was intimately acquainted with mrs obrien and mary Atkinson that  it elevated ones idea of noble work of god to see these two great women together 

1835 March 14th mountjoy square murray stock must be sold to pay mr Obrien who may be in need of his money

1835 May 9th contract concerning the making of an altar for a church in dublin includes receipts by Leonardo made out to paul Cullen up until 25th january 1836

1835 August 10th –Saturday 15th proceedings of the fifth meeting of the british assoc for the advancement of science john Obrien enrolled in Dublin august 1835 john obrien mountjoy square east volume 14 book in library of the university of wisconson prints of buildings where meetings took place

1835 october 30th death mary obrien alias oconnor wife of anthony Obrien upper gardiner street died

1835 October 31st between to december 10th  memorial inscription of mary Obrien alias oconnor inscription mentions that mary Obrien alias oconnor who died 30th october 1835 aged 64 was wife of anthony Obrien upper gardiner street Dublin

1835 november 2nd notice the wife of anthony Obrien died

1836 John Obrien visit to rome irish college reference to a sculpture commissioned by john Obrien of rahan made of carrara marble by Giuseppe ferrarri de ferrara for maria or mary his sister in law   Obrien tomb in the crypt of the procathedral Dublin because of their close friendship with the archbishop of Dublin dr murray     an expert on church art and architecture in Ireland was doing research in the irish college archives in rome when she found a reference to a sculpture that had been commissioned by mr john obrien of rahan during his visit to the eternal city in 1836 a letter of 1836 sent to the rector of the irish college asked that the sculptor of the obrien monument be encouraged to produce a work that would serve as a model of Italian taste and workmanship in the same letter the author indicated that john obrien was willing to pay extra to ensure that the finished product would be of the highest possible quality    john obrien expressly instructed the sculptor to produce a work that would resemble the stuart monument (c1819) in the height of the relief of the figures the finished monument he urged should serve as a model of Italian taste and workmanship      the obrien family had been given a tomb in the crypt of the pro cathedral because of their close friendship with the archbishop of Dublin dr murray  a rahan woman discovered a marble sculpture covered in dust in the crypt of the pro cathedral of a figure of a lady standing at a casket the statue was signed by an Italian sculptor g ferarri di ferrara and had the initials M.OB at the front the art expert believes that the monument may have been intended to commemorate john obriens sister in law mary wife of his brother anthony there is a latin inscription in the vault of the procathedral to mary obrien wife of anthony 

1836 January 25th contract concerning the making of an altar for a church in Dublin includes receipts by leonardo made out to paul Cullen since may 9th 1835  

1836 march 31st a letter from anthony Obrien mountjoy square east to dr Hamilton he needs a death certificate for his wife who died 2 november 1835 and asks dr h to send it as soon as possible  I beg leave

1836 a letter to the member of the reform registry assoc anthony obrien upper gardiner street john obrien mountjoy square

1836 Date to be confirmed Mountjoy square leonardi sketch and estimate have come and he L is to call to college to know answer    Hamilton address palazzo fiano    mary Purcell Dublin diocesan archives Hamilton papers

1836 birth of florimond comte de basterot to marie adelaide obrien basterot and jacques james 

1837 j Obrien mountjoy square east subscription for a topographical dictionary of Ireland-a large paper copy requested

1837 august 6th a letter from mrs bigger rahan convent to mrs onrien mountjoy square the weather is cold and wet and she has been ill with a cold the orphan jane Kelly has died mrs b is asked to inform dr hamilton they could do more good for the people if they had more money dr h seems to think they had enough mrs daly will tell mrs ob how the chapel decoration is progessing   I have just 

1837 december 29tha letter from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton dr murray at maynooth has written informing him that mrs obrien monument is ready but awaits the inscription which should be forwarded at once aob asks dr h to let him know what he thinks would be a suitable inscription    this morning 

1838 january 1st a letter from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton dr murray informed him that it would be better to have the inscription on mrs Obrien monunment in latin he encloses a draft in English of what he himself would like to have inscribed and asks dr h to correct and translate into elegant latin   since I have

1838 January 3rd a note from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton thanking him for the papers sent and enclosing £5;00;00 

1839 march 4th a letter from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton he thanks him for sending the latin translation for the inscription on mrs obrien monument he does not wish any description of the monument to be given to the newspapers and has called in two manufacture of iron railings and is satisfied that they will do the work of enclosing the monument well   I thank you                                                                                                                                      The inscribed plaque in latin to mary obrien that still remains in the crypt of the pro cathedral would presumably have been produced at the request of anthony

1839 march 7th john Obrien was an infrequent attender at rds meetings present today at rds   

1839 april 13th a letter from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton he was surprised at the high charge demanded for the site of mrs obrien memorial in the church especially after his recent subscription and the £100;00;00 given previously had he any idea he would be charged so much he would have halved his subscription  he is distressed at having to disclose his present reduced circumstance and he will have to take sometime before paying the £80;00;00 now demanded    I have to

1839 may 21st a note from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton dr h is requested to write to fr woods who is in rome and ask him to call to leonardi the sculptor and enquire why L changed the design for mrs obrien monument he describes the changes that were made   I shall feel

1839 june 12th a note from john obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton enclosing a letter from his relative mrs Arthur of princethorpe and asking dr h to obtain for her the document she requests   I beg leave

1839 july 5th no 209 a note from anthony Obrien mount joy square to dr Hamilton a letter from mrs Sherlock Waterford in rome stated that mr woods procathedral was soon leaving rome for home A OB asks of fr W had seen leonardi about mrs Obrien monument and asks dr h to write to him mr Sherlock and party intend spending the winter in rome   a letter was  

1839 marie adelaide obrien basterot was guardian of her only grandchild floirmond comte de basterot a published traveller and friend of maupassant and other luminaires 

1840 February 21st a letter from m obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton he/she thinks it’s a pity that the sisters of charity in gardiner street have never been mentioned in the newspaper for their work they educate clothe and feed 500 poor children

1840 March 11th m obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton he/she received mrs cahills donation from harolds cross and asking if donation forwarded by the writer to him have been received  a criticism of the collection for william street orphanage is added  

1840 July 6th a note from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton testifying that Nicolas power who was a coachman to his brother and mrs obrien is unmarried and a very respectable character n. power has asked him for this reference   I am induced

1840 july 7th a note from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton thanking him for looking after his vault in the church crypt   I have to

1840 july 10th a letter from john obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton enclosing the keys of the obrien vault in the church crypt and thanking him for getting the vaults seen to  I beg leave

1840 july 16th a letter from obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton enclosing the key to their vault in the church crypt which was sent to dr Hamilton a few days ago and which was found on the street  I enclose you

1840 july 20th a note from anthony obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton enclosing £100;00;00 for the church building fund  I take the

1840 july 25th a letter from mrs obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton she asks for money from his funds to pay the lay teachers in kings inn street and william street orphanage schools it is not right to pay them only twice a year and she cannot leave for the country without leaving the sisters in charge with money in hand to meet expenses  I beg to

1841 population of Ireland 8 million

1841 January 11th a note from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton enclosing a message left in mountjoy square for him   I intended having  

1841 may 1st a letter from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dean Hamilton he is totting up the amounts paid to the pro cathedral fund by his father brother and himself towards the fund and purchase of family graves in the vault and finds it is £700;00;00 not including what his late sister gave   it having occured

1841 december 12th a note from anthony to dr Hamilton the delay in sending £50;00;00 as promised for the building fund a debt owing him has not been repaid when it is he will forward the subscription  

1841 december 2nd pro cathedral crypt burial 426 E mr joseph b obrien 

1842  january 13th madras mission india the lady flora anchored off the bay

1842 February 15th a letter from isabelle Sherlock to dr Hamilton she is sorry to have missed seeing him but glad to hear of someone going to rome she has a small present mostly music to send if he lets her know where to leave it   I regretted not  

1842 march 12th a letter from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton he is surprised at dr h’s demand for a subscription for the church and reminds him of the amounts already paid which total £800;00;00 not counting what his deceased sister gave he has other calls on him which have priority of claim but when it is convenient by no means at present he will contribute   having duly recovered

1842 November 25th a letter from mrs Obrien mountjoy square (at rahan lodge) requesting his hamiltons company at dinner on Christmas day and on 11th december    I am united  

1842 December 22nd john Obrien was an infrequent attender at rds meetings present today at rds

1842 Teresa ball built and opened a free school at the rere of what was to become loreto college st stephens green popularity known to generations of Dubliners as the green  the free school started with the enormous number of 300 poor children one senses behind the twin projects of st vincents hospital and the adjoining loreto convent the helping hand of anna maria obrien friend of one foundress and sister of the other    

1843 may 30th mountjoy indian prince offered to build a school for 1000 children with catholic priests

1843 trinity Sunday rahan lodge murray ordained 40 priests yesterday

1843 june 9th a letter from mrs Obrien rahan lodge to dr Hamilton her husband is better they expect dr murray tomorrow she asks prayers for their poor footman who died yesterday  

1844 january 4th special jury panel no 461 john obrien 5 mountjoy square esq

1844 February 4th they had been considered in their early days to bear a striking resemblance to one another and sometimes were taken for blood sisters mary Atkinson had however more sweetness in her countenance and manner anna maria obrien could now and then be imperious a letter dated february 4th  1844 from mary mentions that the two friends have been sitting for their portraits and that the archbishop dr murray had consented to have his done also the artist was n j Crowley Nicolas joseph whom mother aikenhead describes as having very considerable talent one feels that anna maria must have commissioned the portraits which now hang on the stairs of the mother house of the sisters of charity mount st annes milltown  Mrs. John O'Brien. R.A., 1844; R.H.A., 1845 CROWLEY, NICHOLAS JOSEPH, R.H.A.(b. 1819, d. 1857)Portrait and Subject Painter

1845 great famine 1845-1849

1845 Rahan during the famine the presentation sisters taught lace making to the women of the Parish their work was brought to Dublin by mrs Obrien for sale and was a welcome income to families

1845 November 3rd mountjoy square murray he is leaving for rahan tomorrow

1845 Great potatoe famine ships leaving Belfast Dublin cork Holyhead Liverpool Glasgow for the new world white sails coffin ships

1847 great famine 1845-1849 the great starvation

1847 griffith valuation household survey 1847 – 1864 parish level

1847 john obrien esq 5 mountjoy square east and rahan lodge kings county  

1847 april 9th anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton asking him to call as he wants confession

           2012 butler Beatrice bayley and butler Katherine mrs john Obrien her life her work her friends in Dublin hist rec xxxiii no 4 september 1980 page 140-156 royal Dublin society library  see old Dublin society   and pearse street library   

1847 august 5th funeral of daniel oconnell in Dublin cathedral draped in black

1847 december 14th a note from anthony Obrien mountjoy square to dr Hamilton he has a heavy cold but hopes that dr h is well these awful times he encloses £5   I thank you

1848 great famine 1845-1849

1848 griffin valuation 1847-1864

1848 January 4th Tuesday john  anna maria Elizabeth obrien of rahan lodge inj kings county deed to commissioners of public works land property improvement order for a loan commissioner of public works to investigate the subject of such application necessary works for the improvements of said lands sum of 300 pounds sterling loan ballincur ordnance 16 newtown ordance 16 thomas ellis lower gardiner street city of Dublin solicitors witness 4 oclock Tuesday 4th day of January eleven sheets 

          335 murray papers ul mountjoy square instruction re work being done for the nuns in north william street post is to be forwarded to rahan lodge murray will be away for a fortnight

Saturday november 11th ---possibly 1848 345 murray papers ul Mr gaynor murray valet informing Hamilton that his grace cannot go to high mass but will meet Hamilton and the company at 6 mrs john Obrien wishes to know when Hamilton could see her in the morning she thinks that Hamilton may be calling to the square and would be able to see her then mountjoy square Tuesday morning—possibly 1848

1849 death jacques james french emigree husband of marie adelaide obrien basterot jacques was the only son of barthelemy comte de basterot of bordeaux (d1788) who married frances fanny french duras daughter of james french of duras near kinvara county galway     jacues son bartholomew b1800 inherited what remained of his impecienious fathers property at duras and was a trustee of french ecclesiastical property in rome 

1850 Griffins valuation gv rate tax 1847-1864 

1850 William obrien 5 mountjoy square east

1850 John Obrien esq mountjoy square east treasurer house of refuge stanhope street

1852 february 24th shrove Tuesday archbishop of dublin daniel murray sj was preparing to celebrate mass in the oratory of his house in mountjoy square he suffered a stroke mrs obrien who daily attended his mass was the only one present medical aid was immediately summoned

1852 February 26th two days later archbishop dr daniel murray died anna maria beside him and two sisters of charity mother aikenhead herself being an invalid by that time

1853 january 27th john Obrien was an infrequent attender at rds meetings present today at rds

1853 great industrial exhibition Dublin a cast copy of a piece of rahan church shown 

1853 May 20th john sn anna m e sns mccarthy Helena kings county 1853 20 35 23rd july 1853 ½ past 3 oclock Catherine mary young harolds cross of the county of Dublin spinster first part john obrien mountjoy square county of Dublin second part anna maria Elizabeth obrien mary mcmanus Eleanor bushell Margaret mcdonald Catherine murphy harolds cross spinsters executers of the last will and testament of anitina Atkinson deceased  bridgit Dillon of portarlington street city of Dublin widow administrator of Cecilia maria lynch deceased  eliza francis beaufield of north anne street in the city of Dublin widow administer of mary anne baem deceased   Eleanor bushel administer of the said mary donagh deceased of the third part  mary aikenhead Alicia walsh  mary hennessy  all of saint vincents hospital stephens green in the city of Dublin spinsters of the fourth part Helena mccarthy saint vincents hospital spinsters fifth part   mary Clifford saint vincents hospital   reference to indenture 14th day of may 1828 of john and anna maria Elizabeth obrien first part  Patrick oliver plunkett 2nd part   and colombus martin oflanagan 2nd part  1 catherine Atkinson 2 cecilia maria lynch 3 mary anne baen 4 mary donagh 5 catherine mary young 3rd party consideration of the sum of £2,000;00;00 sterling from 1,2,3,4,5 to john obrien in land 200 years manor of readingstown otherwise rahan 14th may 1828 

1854 griffiths valuation county dublin union dublin north parish saint george townland mountjoy square east sheet 8 5;5                 5 tenant john obrien landlord george thorpe house office yard £80;00;00 per annum 

1854 october anna maria elizabeth obrien sisters death of Cecilia in the ursuline convent cork she in her totally enclosed order where she had remained for the whole of her religious life had done sterling work against very great odds shortly after her profession she became ill and for the rest of her life was very delicate and suffered greatly despite this having evidently inherited her family brains and ability she was superior for twelve years and held other posts of responsibility at different times   a sketch of her character written at the time of her death shows that she made her own contributions to her day and age  combining with natural prudence and soundness of judgement the wisdom and moderation derived from lengthened experience this truly perfect religious was a most valuable and valued resource as an adviser not only in ordainary details but also in particular emergencies and while her holy and exemplary life inspired universal respect her great kindness of heart gentleness consideration and amiability attracted the esteem and love of all who had the happiness to know her intimately she is buried in the simple graveyard of the convent 

1858 July 22nd mary aikenhead died anna maria (already some years a widow-to be confirmed)  lost her dearest and closest friend when mary aikenhead died at what was then the motherhouse of the congregation our ladys mount she would often have turned to her sister fanny mother Teresa for comfort         harolds cross she was buried in the little convent cemetery at donnybrook Dublin working men having asked for the privilege of bearing her coffin on their shoulders from harolds cross    for 51 years the two friends had been united and untiring in their efforts for the poor as anna maria grieved for her dear mary she must still have had the greatest consolation in knowing that through the foundation of the sisters of charity permanence and continuation was brought to the work so cherished by them

1858 death of marie adelaide obrien basterot 

1859 august 24th irish times 24/08/1859 we understand that mr Obrien is a roman catholic gentleman who gives much employment in the locality he is a member of the board of guardians of the north Dublin union and has a residence in that city where as well as in his own neighbourhood he is very generally respected Anthony Obrien esq 801 21 mountjoy square east  john Obrien esq j.p. and rahan lodge kings county

1860 anthony obrien died 

1860 november 22nd procathedral crypt burial 665 chamber anthony obrien 

1862 Dublin street directory thoms irish almanac mountjoy square east from belvedere place to mountjoy place p st George mountjoy w city    21 obrien anthony esq 801    obrien john esq J.P. and rahan lodge kings county

1864 August 11th 1864 funeral of the late thomas ball esq JP mondellihy house adare the remains of the much lamented gentleman were removed for internment on Saturday morning from the residence of his father the right honourable mr justice ball in 85 stephens green Dublin the funeral cortege left stephens green at half past eight oclock for the metropolitan cathedral Marlboro street on arrival at the church the body was received by the very rev mr murphy administrator of the parish and seven attendant clergy with cross bearers and acolytes and removed into the church when the solemn office for the dead was commenced after which the procession again moved to the vaults under the church when the concluding service was chanted by the clergy the benediction pronounced the body was deposited in the family vault the funeral procession was very large among those present we noticed judge ball the rev anthony ball alexander ball esq david Sherlock esq qc chief mourners    a long line of carraiges followed in some which we noticed the following gentlemen wearing scarfs and hat bands the right hon chief justice Monahan the right hon lord chief baron pigott the hon mr justice Obrien the very rev dr Curtis 51 upper gardiner street gamaliel m fitzgerald esq limerick j d Corrigan esq md merion square  david Sherlock esq stillorgan thomas Kelly esq monkstown f Bennett esq thomastown kings county Edward dunne esq mountrath capt smiley and william smiley esq upper merrion street thomas a Farrell esq moynalty county meath thomas Farrell esq Fitzwilliam place john Obrien esq rahan lodge kings county 

1867 may 2nd Isabella ball Sherlock widow died wife of thomas Sherlock (died 1824)

1867 may death of mother Teresa fanny ball loreto sisters died seven months after an illness which began as a result of a fall in a convent corridor the spread of the loreto sisters from their small beginings in Ireland to countries as far as india Mauritius Gibraltar and Canada fanny was 67 when she died and had at the time of her death established convents and schools all over Ireland several in England as well as those in the old and the new worlds her gravestone on a small eminence in the centre of the rathfarnham cemetery briefly records her career and achievements     achievments which were remarkable when one considers that when she began her lifes work of bringing the loreto order to Ireland and beyond it fanny ball was a young woman of only 27 years of age now 1979 157 years later her sisters span five continents and their good work has gone far beyond their original aim of educating the girls of good families  

1867 august 5th 1867 probate of the will of Isabella Sherlock who died 2nd may 1867 

1867 october 4th 1867 institute for deaf and dumb cabra j Obrien mountjoy donarion £1;00;00

1869 may 2nd superintendent registrars district north dublin union registrars district nor?? north city 1869 deaths registered in the district of nor?? north city in the union of north dublin in the county of city of dublin death no 422 date second may 1869 place of death 21 mountjoy square east name and surname john obrien sex male condition married age last birthday 90 rank profession or occupation j p landed propriotor certified cause of death and duration of illness senile decay two months uncertified general debility certified 24th may 1869 signature qualification and residence of informant patrick larkin present at death 21 mountjoy square east when registered may 15th 1869 signature of registrar j p nowlan deputy registrar 

1869 may 5th procathedral crypt chamber burial 742 john obrien  

1869 Anna maria obrien her clear intellect became somewhat impaired but her mind when it wandered revisited old scenes she would often order her carriage and ask to be driven to Stanhope street for a committee meeting

1870 John Obrien deleted from rds membership lists Possible death of john obrien husband of anna maria obrien

1870 anna maria elizabeth ball obrien described as one of the most significant and influential lay catholics of her day   

1871 march 28th anna maria ball brien died mrs john Obrien  Anna maria until her health gave way she continued her works of charity  anna maria ball obrien had reached the age of 86 when she died at her house in mountjoy square on 28th march 1871 where she and her husband are buried we have yet to trace since enquires at glasnevin cemetery the procathedral (where her mother and brother lie in the vaults-is this the balls or obriens vault) and rahan have proved fruitless her death brought to an end the last of john balls family which made a magnificent contribution to education of the rich and poor alike to the care and health of the underprivileged and to justice 1785-1871

1871 march 28th superintendent registrars district north dublin union registrars district nor north city 1871 deaths registered in the district of nor north city in the union of north dublin in the county of city of dublin death no 329 date twenty eight march 1871 place of death 21 mountjoy square name and surname anna maria elizabeth obrien sex female condition widow age last birthday 86 rank profession or occupation widow of a landed propriotor certified cause of death and duration of illness old age about 10 days bronchitis some weeks certified 10-04-71 signature qualification and residence of informant catherine malone present at death 21 mountjoy square when registered april third 1871 signature of registrar j p ferguson registrar    she died 28th march 1871 aged 85-86 after suffering from senility for two years her portrait hangs in the mother house of the sisters of charity mount saint annes milltown some of her correspondence may be found in the archives of the sisters of charity dublin 

1871 march 31st procathedral crypt burial 760 mrs maria elizabeth obrien 

1878 january 13th anna maria e obrien effects under £7,000;00;00   January 17th anna maria e obrien effects under £2,000;00;00 17th january 1878 the will of anna maria e obrien late of mountjoy square Dublin and of the lodge rahan kings county widow deceased who died 27th march 1871 at former place was proved at the principal registry by the oath of john Sherlock of the lodge rahan the sole executor limited 

1887 death of bartholomew basterot 1800-1887 his son florimond comte de basterot a published traveller and friend of maupassant and other luminaires comte de basterot summer residence at duras it was there that the idea of an irish literary theatre was concieved by augusta gregory edward martyn w b yeats

1904 death florimond comte de basterot  

any more information on this person or his family would be gratefully recieved

see ireland choose leinster choose offaly choose parish of rahan -choose rahan lodge -for more information on this family 

also see ireland choose leinster choose dublin choose parish of st marys - choose denis thomas obrien rutland square 

liam hua duinn

Friday 31st Aug 2012, 04:39PM

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  • Thanks for this information

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 10:38AM

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