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I am researching the family of Bernard Daly's son Henry Daly (b.1834) & Mary Devlin (b.1840).  They lived at Binnafreaghan, Greencastle/Gortin Parish, Badoney Lower, Co.Tyrone.


Wednesday 5th Sep 2012, 08:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Marian

    You could try posting as much information as you can regarding this family. The more information you post, the more likely it is that  one of our volunteers may be able to assist you. 


    A few sites that may be of interest to you are:


    All the best.


    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Ireland Reaching Out



    Wednesday 12th Sep 2012, 02:30PM
  • Hello Marion,

    Henry Daly was my Great, Great grandfather. His son was called James Daly. James daughter Bridget was my grandmother. I lived in her house for the last couple of years of her life. (She died in 1986).

    She had mentioned her grandfather Henry to me a couple of times. My grannies mother Catherine died in her fourties of TB. So poor Henry ended up looking after her children despite the fact he was into his eighties. She did mention a very horrible occasion when the Black and Tan soldiers raided the farm, placed poor Henry up against a wall and put a pistol to his head. They threatened to shoot him in the head in front of all his young grandchildren. Poor Henry would have been in his late eighties i would imagine,( if the Black and Tans were involved).

     I have photos of his son James with his wife Catherine  and one of his brothers.(Circa 1903). Also have access to photo's of Bridget and her husband. I hope this is of some help to you. 

    Incidentally, if you could provide me with any information on Bernard Daly, that would be fantastic. Is my great, great, great grandparent. The property for Henry Daly was listed as number 17,  Binnafreaghan (Fallagh, Tyrone) in the 1911 census. The census shows the whole family at that time. Henry was 77 years old, his wife Mary was 74 years old.

    Best regards..... Gerard Ormesby


    Wednesday 8th May 2013, 12:16AM
  • Hello Gerard,

    Delighted to hear from you.  Yes, we are related in some way.  Henry is your GGgrandfather and he is my Ggrandfather.  My father knows Hughie McDermott well and he knew your granny Bridget McDermott-Ferns.  I think he stayed with her in ....Mountfied (I think).  Haven't found much on Bernard / Bryan Daly.  I looked at the Irish Flax List (1796).  I didn't see any Daly's listed.

    I would love the photos you mentioned and I can send you on the photos I have as well.  We can do that thru email. 

    Regards,  Marian


    Thursday 9th May 2013, 09:50PM
  • Hugh McDermott is my eldest uncle. Please tell your dad that he is now in his mid eighties, but still going strong and lives in Philladelphia. He came over to vist my mother just a couple of years ago with his son. Your correct that Bridget lived in Mountfield, she would have moved out of the big house that your father would have known in the late 1970's... and moved into a bungalow just over the road. I arrived in 1982... and helped look after her and help her son on the farm. My earlier message said she died in 1986.... don't know why I said that... that was the year I left Ireland... she died a couple of years earlier. (I must be getting old). My sister has the photo's that I mentioned... but she is not P.C. savvy... so will have to obtain said photo's and have them scanned. I will send them to you once I have them. Whah is your E-Mail address?... Incidentally... what is your dad's name . as my mam wants to know. As a further point... when I first applied to join "Ireland.. Reaching Out"... and was asked to give a password... I chose "Mountfield".. ha ha.  Hope to hear from you soon. Glad to hear from you.

    Best regards... Gerard.


    Sunday 12th May 2013, 03:08AM
  • I am doing research for a lady in Listowel County Kerry. She is the daughter of Anne T Daly , granddaughter of John Henry Daly , or just John Daly. She has very little information on the Daly family , some names and dates but absolutely no stories. Her grandad also had trouble with the Black & Tans here in Kerry. She would love any details , stories or pictures. I can be contacted at or thanks , Ger




    Wednesday 11th Dec 2013, 01:27AM
  • I was looking for specifics of game titles Software.

    Monday 14th Apr 2014, 11:25AM

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