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I posted about my family on the Brigown Parish page because the ships list said they were from Brigown. They left the Cove of Cork on 5 May 1825 on the Fortitude. They were Peter Robinson Settlers. Their surname is spelled various ways--Roache/Roach/Roche. Michael was the father and his children were maurice, Patrick, James, Ellen and Kitty. The index says there were remarks by the Earl of Kingstown, which would have been George King of Mitchelstown.


Theresa--Arizona, USA

Friday 16th Nov 2012, 05:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Thank you very much.


    Saturday 17th Nov 2012, 01:14AM
  • I could be wrong, but I don't think this site has records for people who lived in Brigown or Mitchelstown. I tried to use it, but didn't find anything. It gives the churches for Cork & Ross and I don't think they are in the right place.


    Thank you

    Saturday 17th Nov 2012, 08:07PM
  • Hi Theresa

    Kildorrery is 7 miles from Mitchelstown but people from all over this area sailed with Peter Robinson.  The Kildorrery Historical Society's 2012 Christmas Newsletter is featuring a story on the settlers by Christy Roche of Glanworth who has done much research in the past on the subject.  I will contact Christy to see if he can be of any assistance to you. 


    Kildorrery Cork

    Sunday 18th Nov 2012, 11:20AM
  • Thank you for the info. I wonder if  Christy Roche is any relation to my Roche/Roache/Roach family?  Michael, Maurice, Patrick, James, Ellen and Kitty. How can I read the newsletter?



    Sunday 18th Nov 2012, 12:33PM
  • Hi Theresa

    I have been in contact with Christy Roche  If you care to send me your email address I can send you a contact address for him. 



    Kildorrery Cork

    Monday 26th Nov 2012, 10:44PM
  • Hi Brenda,

    My email is Yes I would like to contact christy Roche.


    Thank you,



    Tuesday 27th Nov 2012, 05:31AM





    Tuesday 27th Nov 2012, 12:52PM

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