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Looking for information on my grandmother Maggie or Margaret Mitchell born in  Co.Tyrone on Oct.28 1866 according to info from her marrage license recorded in Phila. Pa. USA.  I found a Margaret 18 and a Mary 20 that arrived in Phila in 1885 on the ship" British Crown" which I have a strong feeling was my grandmother although I have family info of a sister. Also found church records in Phila where a Mary and Margaret attended together. The marrage certificate and hospital birth info on my father and uncles list the name Maggie. US census lists my grand mother as Margaret so I'm at a lose over her correct name. She married my grandfather Charles Mitchell born in Scotland. I found his ancesters back into 1700's. They both had Mitchell as surnames. The only connection of Margaret and Mary are the ships records that just gave their name, age and born in Ireland They arrived in Phila in 1885 which is the same as on USA census reports but again I have no info she had a sister. Any help would be appreciated.  George Mitchell

Tuesday 27th Nov 2012, 02:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi George, thanks for your message and interest in Ireland Reaching Out.

    Do you have any other information on your grandmother before she left Ireland? Information such as the parish that she was born in would make your search much easier. Even if you could narrow it down to a particular part of Co. Tyrone it would be a help for you. Also the religion of her family would indicate which records to search for births, baptisms etc. Perhaps you will be able to find a connection using these records by comparing names of parents for example.


    The Irishtimes website is a great source of information for those researching their family tree. If you follow this link it will bring you to the section for Co. Tyrone.…

    Once you have narrowed down your search a bit you can use the links on the left hand side to check what records are available to you.


    Other useful website include:


    The National Archives of Ireland


    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:



    The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland

    I hope that this is of some help to you. Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. 


    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 


    Tuesday 29th Jan 2013, 03:30PM
  • Hi George.  I am also searching for information on Mitchells from County Tyrone, with little to go on.  Mine is James Mitchell who was born in Ireland or England between 1843-1850.  He is supposed to have lived near Stewartstown, County Tyrone before emigrating to Philadelphia PA around 1871.  I have found census records and his 1911 death certificate in Philadelphia, although I think I should be able to find his marriage record sooner or later since he married around 1878 -1884 in Philadelphia.  James is my great grandfather.  He married Mary Ann Shanley and had three children in Philadelphia:  my grandfather,  James b. July 19, 1885, and two daughters, Helen or Ellen (Nellie), and Catherine (Kate).  The girls were born in 1886 and 1888, if I remember correctly.

    Do you know what section of Philadelphia your Mitchells lived in?  Mine lived in Port Richmond and attended first St Anne's RC church, and then Nativity BVM RC church.  However, I do not know if the first James Mitchell was Catholic.  My aunt didn't  think he was.  His wife and her family were Catholic.

    Have you considered DNA testing?  FTDNA has a Mitchell Surname project.  The results we got from my brother's test seem to point to a Scottish connection for our family.

    Lori Mitchell



    Tuesday 7th May 2013, 05:08AM
  • Hi my name is Debbie, I have a Maggie Jane Mitchell b. 1900 in my Tree. My Grandmother was Mary Ann Mitchell b. 1899, Threr Father Alexander Mitchell b. 1868 live in Stranocum, Ballymoney and married an Agnus Christie b. 1867. I can Not get ANY info on Agnus Christie, where would I find out some info

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 11:02PM

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