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Thomas Kelley and Margaret Burke resided in the area around the Parish of Taugboy.  5 known children born in that area -  James, Mary, Edward, Thomas and Margaret. James, Thomas and Margaret emigrated to Massachusetts. Thomas married Bridget Rogerson in Boston, but she was probably from the same area. Am seeking any info on this family in Ireland or Massachusetts.


Friday 21st Dec 2012, 09:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi thanks for you message.


    Do you have any imortant dates relating to the Kelly family that will help narrow down what records to search in? Dates such as birth/baptisms/marriages/deaths/emigration etc. will all help.


    Have you tried looking for the family in Church records? Most Catholic records are held locally. One site which might be of use is - - where you can ?browse? an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.


    For Church of Ireland records you can check and


    You may also be able to find some information on the family in the land records pertaining to Ireland in the 19th century-if the time periods match. There are two: the Tithe Applotment Books dating from 1823 to 1838 and the Griffith's Valuation, dating from 1848 to 1864. You can do a search of these records at the following websites:



    You can also check the 1901 and 1911 census records at the following sites:


    Some other websites which may be of benefit to you are:


    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland


    Family Search:


    I hope this information helps. Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 


    Monday 11th Feb 2013, 09:25AM
  • I wanted to know if my message was posted for the Taghboy parish bulletin board.  thanks Bob Rogers


    Thursday 28th Feb 2013, 06:03PM

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