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I don't want to seem like i am inpatient but i am just wondering if i have posted my previous messages properly as i see later messages popping up but not my one. Or maybe i am just being a dumb blonde (not that i am blonde). Hope someone can let me know




Saturday 5th Jan 2013, 11:31PM

Message Board Replies

  • Donna,

    Not sure exactly how many messages you posted but ONE other came through the same day you posted this message, see:


    Hope this helps!





    Sunday 6th Jan 2013, 07:52AM
  • yes that is correct. It was the first one that i was wondering about. Not sure what i did wrong but guess the second one workded and brought up teh first one. Guess I am still learning how to post on this site. i will get the hang in time because i always perservere especially when it comes to clearing my brick walls in my family tree. Thank you for responding to my query

    HOpe to hear from u again and others on this site



    Sunday 6th Jan 2013, 08:26AM

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