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I have already connected with my CLEARY cousins of this area. 

I have been transcribing the Scariff RC records.  The Scariff Marriage records have been completely transcribed and are on the Clare County Library site, see:

Also, I have nearly completed the Baptisms and will put these on line sometime in the next few months.


Sunday 3rd Feb 2013, 01:54AM

Message Board Replies




    Thank you very much for your message and for sharing this information on the Ireland Reaching Out message boards!


    This will be really helpful for anybody researching their family history in the area.


    Thanks so much for all the work you are doing.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Monday 8th Apr 2013, 09:13AM
  • James


    Have you completed the baptismal records for Moynoe? I would like confirmation of the birth/baptismal dates for the children of Timothy/Thaddeus Malone and Mary Canny, Cahermore, Moynoe.  The children were: John (1847), Ned, Anne, Bridget, Owen (February 1855).  Have you come accross this family and are there any other children in this family?




    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 05:12PM

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