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My great great grandparents James Lawler and his wife Rose Barden came to South Australia in 1847 under the patronage of Montague Chapman. With them were their children James, Mary and Daniel. I am trying to link a line from them to a Lawler family who lived in Clonmellon up until the 1920's. However the gap between 1847 and 1900 seems unfillable. I am in contact with a descendant of the 1920 family and would like to prove a relationship if there is one


Sunday 10th Feb 2013, 01:15AM

Message Board Replies




    Thank you for your message.


    Perhaps you may be able to find the connection you are looking for in Church records? If you could get hold of birth records or marriage records you may find a connection through sponsors or witnesses that are listed. Or you may be able to find a common ancestor for both families.

    Most Catholic records are held locally. One website which you may find helpful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. For Clonmellon parish follow this link:


    For information on Church of Ireland records check and


    There are also some church records available online at


    It may also be an idea to contact the heritage centre in Westmeath for assistance-however a fee may apply..

    Dun na Si Heritage Centre,



    Co. Westmeath.

    Phone: +353(0) 90 6481183             Email:


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 17th Apr 2013, 08:39AM
  • Hi pfrick

    I am Bill O'Reilly. I have just posted a message regarding the Chapman scheme generally. I did put your name as Lawless, sorry about that. James lawler was on the TRafalgar along with many others. Do you know if James settled on Chapman's lands?

    regards Bill O'Reilly


    Saturday 2nd Apr 2016, 10:05PM
  • Hi Bill,

    It seems Montague Chapman was interested only in what he could get from the Government of South Australia and also in divesting of his reponsibilities during the famine. James and his family did not get work on the Chapman property as far as I know. This land is now a suburb only a few kilometres from where I live in SA. It is called Montague Farm.  Montague was lost at sea in a shipwreck not long after he visited the colony.James spent most of his life in SA in a place called Keyneton Esat of the Barossa Valley


    Sunday 3rd Apr 2016, 06:30AM

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