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I was born Margaret Mary Ryan at St. Ita's hospital, New Castlewest on 9-13-1954, I was baptised 9-15-1954 at Croom County hospital, Limerick by Rev. T. Courtney

My mother's name was:  Mary Ryan,  she was age 28 and from Pallas green, Limerick Co  I believe she was born somewhere between the years of 1925-1928

When I was about 2 1/2  years old, I was adopted through the Catholic Charities and a lawyer by the name of Kiernan T. Flynn handled the adoption

My adoptive parents were:  Peter and Julia Sullivan, who were originally from Ireland but by the time I was adopted, they lived in St. Louis, Missouri USA, I went to school and lived in St. Louis until just the last few years when I moved about an hour's drive west. My adoptive parents named me:  Margaret Ann Sullivan

 I never married nor had any children.

I would like to find my biological mother,  Mary Ryan and any of her family.

ANY INFORMATION,  PLEASE  will so very gladly be appreciated.

Thank you and God Bless!

Margaret Sullivan

Monday 11th Feb 2013, 05:56AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Margaret,


    Thank you very much for your message.


    Perhaps it may be a good idea to place this message in a more local forum such as newsletters or newspapers, as there may still be relatives or people who remember your relatives still living in Pallasgreen. 


    Some places online where you may be able to do this are:

    Limerick Leader:

    Limerick Post:


    I hope this suggestion is helpful.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,       

    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 17th Apr 2013, 02:49PM

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